Pastor Robert E. Costa, has served as a pastor, departmental director, and administrator since 1980 in South America and North America. A native of Uruguay, he received his higher education in Argentina and the United States. He is the Speaker-Director of the Spanish telecast of It Is Written, which is broadcast via satellite, cable and local channels in more than 11,000 stations, reaching 138 countries. Robert is passionate about sharing the good news of God's Word, and has had the privilege of conducting more than 300 evangelistic series in the last 15 years on every continent. He and his wife Nancy reside in Maryland, USA, where they both serve God, she as an executive assistant for Adventist World Radio, and he as Ministerial Associate of the General Conference. Robert is responsible for coordinating Evangelism and Church Growth for the global Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Primary responsibilities
- Worldwide evangelism coordinator
- Church growth
Contact Robert
- +1 301-680-6504 (office)
- +1 240-381-8127 (mobile)