"It is my privilege to introduce the new and first-ever Seventh-day Adventist Deacon’s and Deaconess’s Handbook published by the General Conference Ministerial Association. This handbook is designed to inspire, enlighten, advise, challenge, train, and motivate this wonderful army of servant-leaders at the local church level. I highly recommend this handbook to each leader in all levels of our church structure, and kindly encourage all administrators to consider making financial provision to order enough copies of this important resource for all deacons and deaconesses of their respective territories. Let us support the hands of those who are providing such tremendous support for our local churches and their mission outreach. They form part of the great foundation of God’s believers who will turn the world upside down (Acts 17:6) by sharing Christ, His righteousness, His sanctuary message, His three angels’ messages and His soon second coming!"
—Ted N. C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists