Euro-Africa Division
* Portuguese Union—Following consultation with the Division and as proposed by the Health and Temperance Department of the Portuguese Union, Laura Teixeira was awarded a golden medal and diploma from the General Conference as a "missionary nurse." Laura was distinguished as a nurse in support of others and in support of her husband's pastoral ministry. Her lifestyle is an example of Adventist health principles. Laura is one of the first nurses in Europe to receive this distinction.
* Swiss-German Union—Hanni Klenk reports that pastoral wives from German Switzerland met for three days of meetings in May.
Euro-Asia Division
* Peggy Tompkins, Shepherdess coordinator for the Mid-America Union, met with Olga Stasyk, Shepherdess coordinator for the West Ukraine Conference during meetings in the Ukraine.
North American Division
* General Conference—Jeanie Ryan, wife of Pastor Mike Ryan (Global Mission), was recently responsible for a booth on men and women's issues at the White House Health Fair. The health fair was sponsored by the Wellness Center of the National Naval Medical Center. Jeanie works as an adult nurse practitioner at the Military Medicine Clinic, National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
* Marie Spangler, cofounder of Shepherdess International, just made what she hopes is her last move until she moves into her heavenly home. She and her husband, Robert, packed their earthly belongings and moved to Southern California where their two daughters live. Marie and her cheerful ways will be missed here at Shepherdess International.
* Minnesota Conference---On Sabbath, March 26, church members and friends of the Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist church in South St. Paul, Minnesota, met to praise God and to celebrate the origins of the Hispanic work in Minnesota. Guest speaker, Pastor Alvin Smith, had his sermon translated by his wife, Eva. A commemorative plaque was presented to the Smiths as a token of appreciation for their leadership and pioneer work with the group.
* Northern California—The Northern California pastoral wives enjoyed a retrea t weekend in which Yara Young was the main speaker. She presented ways to gain the richest blessings from the Sabbath. In the words of one pastoral wife, "On this retreat weekend we were free to share with each other our joys, sorrows, and frustrations. We knew that the words we used or the stories we shared wouldn't be used against us or to divide the church. We laughed and cried, let our hair down, and rested ... that was the real pleasure of this retreat."
* Oregon Conference—The pastoral wives of the Oregon Conference enjoyed fellowship and renewal at their annual retreat held at Silver Falls.
South American Division
* Pastoral wives' meetings were conducted in several areas of the South American Division by Mrs. Margarida Sarli. Local Shepherdess coordinators reported that the pastoral wives enjoyed the spiritual meetings and being able to participate. They especially appreciated the practical advice Margarida shared withthemand the tremendous energy and enthusiasm she brought to her presentations.
Southern Asia Division
Mrs. Margaret Nathaniel, Shepherdess coordinator and associate director for Church Ministries, was presented the Arthur and Maud Spaulding Award for distinguished service to families by Ron and Karen Flowers from the General Conference Church Ministries Department. Margaret is well known through the division for carrying out action plans to minister to families. Congratulations, Margaret!
* South Tamil Section—Mrs. White Antonidass, coordinator of the South Tamil Section Shepherdess organization, I reported that 23 pastoral wives of ordained ministers from the South Tamil Section came together for three days of meetings in Madurai.
Hepzibah Kate, South India Union Shepherdess coordinator, was the invited guest speaker. During the vespers service, eight pastoral wives delivered concise, three-minute messages on "The Women of the Bible." Hepzibah also spoke during the divine worship service on "True Sabbath Keeping " The pastoral wives expressed their desire to have more fellowship meetings and exchange experiences.