Asia Pacific Division
* The Central Luzon Conference Shepherdess Chapter held a day-long livelihood program on October 19 at the conference office. Guest lecturer was Rachel Agustin, an expert in Food Science and Technology, who spoke about nutrition.
* Central Luzon pastoral wives enjoyed flickering candles and fellowship at their annual Christmas fellowship. The program began at 8:30 a.m. on December 19 with a devotional by Pastor Edwin Martin. Games such as volleyball and table tennis were played. The women exchanged gifts from their SOS partners and took home gifts from the Conference office and departments. They were most thankful to Jesus who has guided and blessed each one of them through the year and continues to guide them into the new year.
Middle East Union
* November 10-13 was the retreat in Amman, Jordan for pastors and their wives. Elder Jim Neergaard presented subjects on Spiritual Leadership. Valerie Fidelia taught health topics, and Joyce Neergaard spoke on the subject of Team Ministry, Spiritual Gifts and Role Conflict. Elder William Johnsson, editor of the Adventist Review was a special guest on the last day.
North American Division
* Idaho Conference pastoral wives held their annual Shepherdess Retreat in September at the Rapid River Ranch in Riggins, Idaho. Alvy Quispe, the featured speaker for the retreat presented the theme "The Joy of Perfect Oneness." Alvy is the associate director of family life services for the Pacific Health Education Center in Bakersfield, California. She presented ideas about self-worth, identity, and how temperament affects the way people act and relate to life.
Your Field
* Please send us Shepherdess news from your field. We would love to share your activities with Shepherdess Chapters around the world.