Euro-Asia Division
Olga Murga, Shepherdess Coordinator for the Euro-Asia Division, reports on the activities of the Shepherdess chapters. The quarterly Shepherdess International Journal is translated in to Russian and distributed to the Shepherdess Coordinators in the Unions. Olga states, "The pastoral wives in our division are good helpers and take an active part in the work, especially in evangelistic meetings. Many of the pastoral wives are active in support groups."
Specific news from some of the areas include:
* Nine pastoral wives of Byelorus in Minsk met together for their premier meeting.
* Romanova Angelina hosted a one-day meeting on "Encouragement" for pastoral wives in St. Petersburg.
* In Northern Moldova Conference, Sazhina Nina was elected the new coordinator. Then there was a discussion on avoiding the consequences of stress.
* In Moscow, Mariya Kulakova held meetings for the pastoral wives on the topics of working with children, healthful cooking, and the role of women.
* Tamara Prolinskay conducted a seminar for pastoralwives in Kiev, on the topic "Five Secrets for the Pastors and Their Wives." Olga joined the group and took part in a discussion of different problems.
* Podolsk Conferencepastoral wives in the Ukrainian Union were treated to a seminar by Olga Murga on "Lady of the Moment."
* In Moscow there were meetings for the Shepherdess Coordinators. Materials were distributed to be shared with pastoral wives throughout the Division.
* Pastoral wives in Byelorus in Gomel met and discussed "The Ladder of Descent."
* The Southern Union Conference, in Tashkent, hosted a meeting for pastoral wives, and 12 attended. The women from Tadzhikistan and Turkmenistan could not come because of political events and the fact that there was no transportation connection. Please remember these pastoral wives in your prayers. Those who attended exchanged souvenirs and welcomed each other to the work of the pastoral wife.
* Anna, a pastoral wife in the Bukovinskaya Conference, endured a severe operation. In several pastoral families, the children are very ill, suffering after Chernobyl. Please remember these dear little ones in your prayers.
Inter-American Division
The North Caribbean Conference Shepherdess Chapter has begun a quarterly magazine just for pastoral children. Shawna Trotman is the editor of The PK. This exciting magazine is full of variety—entertainment, craft ideas, puzzles, and pictures to color. There are riddles and a special "Nature Nook." PKs are challenged to stretch their minds in "Quiz Bowl," and "Ask AuntClaudette," answers write-in questions. A special "Meet the PKs" section helps the children become acquainted with each other by publishing pictures, ages, and interests. Congratulations to the pastoral wives for showing such ingenuity and caring for these precious PKs with such a creative resource.
The Colombia Union, under the leadership of Elder Bernardo Rodriguez, president, and Elizabeth Rodriguez, Shepherdess Coordinator, hosted a week-long retreat for all of the pastoral wives in the entire Union. Almost 300 pastoral wives came together at the church camp in the mountains above Bogota. Sunny days brimmed with fellowship, good food, fun, and seminars by Elder Jaime Castrejon, from the division office, who spoke on Team Ministry and the example of Aquilla and Priscilla. Dr. Leo Acosta, a gynecologist from Venezuela, and his wife, Teresa,pres e nted special women's health topics and were available for personal health counseling. Sharon Cress, from Shepherdess International, presented seminars on the blessings and challenges of pastoral life. Elder Rodriguez presented the morning devotionals. Elder and Mrs. Rodriguez are to be commended for setting exemplary leadership in the nurture and support of pastoral wives. These pastoral wives were treated to a little taste of heaven on earth. May this convocation be a catalyst for many more around the world.
North American Division
Northern California pastoral wives met in April for their annual retreat at Leoni Meadows. Pollyanna Prosper-Barnes spoke at the meetings. She is the founder of the Family Breakthrough Un- limited, an organization designed to develop fundamental skills and abilities of parents to help their children experience success in all aspects of life. The theme of the conference was "Committed Connections" and presentations were abou t being a "Whole Person in Jesus."
Minnesota Conference pastoral wives enjoyed a special Sabbath afternoonmeeting chairedby Betty McCormick, a pastoral wife (now from Oklahoma). She led a valuable discussion on how to support husbands/pastors in their work, especially during difficult times.
South American Division
In February, Shepherdess Coordinators and Ministerial Secretaries from all Unions and most of the Conferences met together at the Union Adventist Educational Complex in Peru for almost a week of training, fellowship, and sharing. Inspiring preaching, seminars, idea-sharing, and emphasis on the pastoral family highlighted the event. South American Division Ministerial Secretary, Alejandro Bullon, and Associate Secretary, Jose Viana, hosted the ministerial secretary meetings with Jim Cress as their guest while Vasti Viana, Division Shepherdess Coordinator, and Sharon Cress, conducted training for all the Shepherdess coordinators. Each Union and Conference gave a report on the activities of Shepherdess and Ministerial. They felt encouraged to hear about each other's work.
Pastoral wives from the Rio de Janeiro Conference met for a full-day seminar with Vasti Viana and Sharon Cress at the conference office headquarters in Rio. Everyone enjoyed the music before participating in a seminar on personality and the pastoral wife.
Nair Bessa, a pastoral wife from Brazil, has been a volunteer Bible instructor in 33 evangelistic campaigns conducted by her husband. From north to south Brazil, she visited people up and down the streets, in sunshine or rain, and gave nearly 6,000 Bible studies. Every night before the adult evangelistic session, she told the children stories and taught them songs. Some nights nearly 300 children attended. Nair will never know the full impact of such sacrificial service until she meets the fruits of her labors in the new earth. May the Lord bless her exceedingly.
Keila Trigo Martins, a pastoral wife from Manaus, Brazil, recently finished conducting an evangelistic meeting for the Central Amazon Mission. The auditorium was full each night and the audience paid rapt attention to her preaching. Many were baptized as a result of her dedicated work in using her God-given gifts to spread the good news of Jesus' love. Remember her in your prayers as she continues her ministry.
Southern Asian Division
Pastoral wives in this Division are being rewarded monetarily for their work in giving Bible studies, teaching family life topics, and working with children. Margaret Nathaniel, Division Shepherdess Coordinator, reports that 225 pastoral wives are now on a stipend for their evangelistic endeavors. Praise the Lord!