The Shepherdess International Bulletin brings me great delight. I look forward to the spiritual messages of other shepherdesses. Each time I go through the bulletin I gain personal strength and I thank my Lord for this.
Next June I will be completing 40 years of happy married life. I have spent my married life assisting my husband in the Gospel ministry as he served God in different capacities. The Lord gave us success throughout our ministry, and we praise and thank Him from the bottom of our heats.
When the Lord placed a special responsibility on me as shepherdess of Central India Union, I began to recognize my need for God. Frequently I expressed to Him my insufficiencies. My husband looked to me for inspiration, patience, unselfishness, loyalty and for many other good qualities. In this, as a wife, I needed God's assistance.
No woman ever attains the goal of success and happiness as a desirable wife unless her efforts are supplemented with God's help. She who builds without God builds in vain. Therefore, it is God that is behind every success. God is responsible for what I am today and I praise Him.
Being a graduate nurse, I made use of opportunities to reach needy people and help them with their health and personal problems. When I prayed with them, the Lord answered our prayers so they had confidence in me. When I began to present Jesus, there was a good response from them. A shepherdess should look for ways to reach others. I participated in Dorcas work and conducted health classes for women in the church. The members brought other women to these special classes. I t.lught them how to prepare good meals using simple methods; I shared my knowledge of good nutrition with them. When relationships are built, intimacy develops and then it is easy to bring others into our fold. After foundations of friendship and trust are built, these candidates can be entrusted to our husbands for deeper studies in God's Word.
As pastors' wives we can start a Ladies' Club with only five to ten ladies. The attendance will increase if the instruction is beneficial. This club will eventually become a visiting or working team, exploring the possibilities for Gospel work. When women labor in the Gospel ministry, they can accomplish great things.
The greatest human motivational force and inspiration to the pastor is none other than his own wife, the shepherdess who is a part of God's ministry. We need to recognize our calling to the ministry, and we should do our part with God's grace.