Whatever, Lord!

Joy in Lord through all circumstances.

Delores E. Bius, mother of five sons, is a free­lance writer from Chicago, Illinois.

One recent morning I was clearing the snow off my car when I discovered that one window was utterly free of snow. In fact, the window itself was gone and there was snow and broken glass on the seat inside, but nothing was missing. "Oh no," I sighed, "the car thieves have struck again." This was the second time in three years that this had happened.

By the end of the day, the window glass was replaced. My son had pried out of the ignition the piece of key or screwdriver that the thief had used to try to start the car.

Fortunately, I saw some humor in the situation this time: I had tried to clear snow off a window pane that wasn't there. It has not always been so in other situations. But after a series of such minor mishaps, I am learning not to say "Why me, Lord?" but "Whatever, Lord!"

When my granddaughter had a similar incident happen to her, the only item missing was her Bible, with an expensive cover that I had given her for her birthday. Her stereo and tape deck were intact, so the theft made the newspapers under the heading, "Bible Thief Strikes." Oddly enough, I had often left one of my Bibles in my car, thinking, Who would steal a Bible? I doubt that the person who took my granddaughter's Bible was a Bible student. The cover resembled a purse or small brief­case,which they probably thought contained money.

Earlier my sons were so sure that I would get shook-up over every little thing that they would preface every announcement of bad news with, "I have good news and I have bad news." Then they would tell me the good news first!

This time I told them, "I have both good news and bad news. The bad news is that the car thieves tried to steal my car again, but the good news is they didn't get away with it. The bad news is that I have a $100 deductible on my car insur­ance, but the good news is that I did not listen to the person who advised me to take a $500 deduct­ible instead! Thus I am out only $100, not $500.

Why is it that we humans allow ourselves to get bent out of shape at littleinconvenienceswhen the Lord forewarned us, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: butbe of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

Interestingly enough, the morning the car thieves struck I had come across in my devotions some interesting words of Solomon: "Whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil" (Prov. 1:33). I noticed that he did not say that we would be immune to evil things happening to us, but that we should not fear them.

When little inconveniences or expenses or such happen to us, it helps if we remember that none of us have had as many bad things happen to us as happened to King David. Yet we read, "David was greatly distressed . . but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God" (1 Sam. 30:6).

Satan is lurking around every corner, trying to rob us of our joy in the Lord. Be on guard always. As our Lord cautioned us, "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).

When someone would complain with, "I have aproblem," ourformer pastor would reply, "You don't have a problem; youhave an oppor­tunity." How true that is. Any problem is really an opportunity for us to encourage ourselves in the Lord.

It has taken me quite a number of years and many near catas­trophes, but at last I have learned to say, "Whatever, Lord!" But not with resignation alone, but with joy in Him! How about you?