Your Value is Priceless

You are priceless.

Meibel M. Guedes is the AP AM coordinator for the Central Brazil Union in Artur Nogueira, Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is married to Pastor Arlindo Guedes, an evangelist, and has two daughters, Her pleasure is to serve her family and the work of God.

The Lord created each of us with gifts and different temper­aments, thus we are all able to make special contributions to His work. Usually the cheerfulness of living and receiving God's blessings produces a happy, lovely and gentle pastoral wife.

There is a plain assurance about the love of God in our lives. He created us in His own image and likeness and gave His own Son to save us. These points assure us about our real worth and show us our true heritage.

We are nothing less than children of the King and before Him we are priceless.

If we accept this great truth, it does not matter what race, school, background, social class or temperament classification we belong to. We will accept ourselves completely and thus be enabled to grow up day by day with Jesus as our model.

How a person regards him­self or herself is an important element in his or her relationship with others. People who do not give themselves value tend to have a defensive attitude and have difficulty in listening and understanding others.

If we evaluate ourselves in a positive way, there will be a greater possibility 5if cultivating a good relationship with those we come in contact with.

To respect others, you need to respect yourself and to love others, you need to love yourself. It seems that human beings are losing self respect and dignity. It is true that values are changing, but it is essential to preserve personal dignity to develop positive self-esteem.

It has been said that dignity is to act according to standard and moral values. Therefore, it is important to be sure to act appro­priately and honestly. If a person has neither principals or rules, she will not have self-control. She will have difficulty relating to others and usually will suffer from low self-esteem.

All of us have faults we find difficult to overcome, but we must not make these faults the focus of our Jives. If we do, we begin to despise ourselves and soon lead useless and unhappy lives. We need to grasp God's promises. One of them says: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7, NIV). I have been trying to keep this text alive in my mind. Many times I pray, "Lovely Father, You know me and You know that I can't solve this problem. Please, take this burden into Your hands. Solve it for me." After my prayer, I hold my peace because the problem is not mine anymore but it is His, and the things are solved in unexpected ways.

It is wonderful to share with your hus­band not only the successes of life but the hardships as well. He is by your side giving you strong support and confi­dence. It is important to a woman to feel she is loved by her spouse. In feeling the sure love of her husband, she feels secure, positive and happy. That is the reason why a loved person feels more enthusiastic about life. She likes herself more and trans­mits the hap­piness of living well to those around her. Be­cause she respects herself, she respects others as well. Con­sequen tly those around her re­spond to her joy and cooperate more.

A woman who has developed highself-esteem is aware of her personal value. She is loved, respected and inclined to success. She is prepared to struggle and win. Each victory generates another victory.

When she experiences victory, she also feels a sense of fulfillment; the task has been completed and the goal reached. There is no limit to a woman when she puts herself in God's hands.

It is important that a person earnestly evaluates her own work. By honestly analyzing the results, she can see the failures and do better the next time. Positive people look ahead to successes, not back to failures.

A woman with high self-esteem maintains her standards of beha­vior even when she is dealing with nega­tive feelings such as guilt, rage and hatred. Though such feelings are real andneedtobe acknowledged, it is important not to let them rule. A self-as­sured woman will not let feel­ings threatenher. She knows it is unnecessary to be defensive, and she endeavors to find positive solu­tions to negative situations. She is mentally healthful because she is in touch with Jesus. He is part of her life, completing her happiness and joy of living.

If you have prob­lems with your self-esteem, start by spending more time with Jesus. Only He can help your overcome your negative feelings. This first step is the most impor­tant. He will awaken the great potential you have within and will show you that you are priceless.

Meibel M. Guedes is the AP AM coordinator for the Central Brazil Union in Artur Nogueira, Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is married to Pastor Arlindo Guedes, an evangelist, and has two daughters, Her pleasure is to serve her family and the work of God.