As I think of how God has led us, I thank Him for where He has placed us. We are His creatures and in His marvelous love, He equips us with new hearts and gives us the ability to serve Him . . . until the moment when we will not be separated.
I fondly recall what took place a few weeks ago. It was a Friday morning, and I wasn't feeling very well. A fever raged like a battle in my body. I took some medicine but my throat still needed attention. I decided to quickly finish the rest of the Sabbath preparations so I could rest.
My husband was in another city conducting a Week of Prayer, and he was not returning until Sunday. The day of rest arrived and I awoke very early. I opened my Bible to James 5:7. What a beautiful passage with a special message. I thanked God for His word, thought on that passage for some time, and soon I felt better. I decided to go to church after all, even though I wasn't totally well. Nothing was stopping me from listening to God's voice at church on that holy day. I took my little son, Jonathan David, with me. When I arrived at church, I felt much better. At Sabbath School, the children gathered around me and wanted me to accompany them to their children's class. They were so adorable I couldn't refuse their request.
At the end of Sabbath School, the deacon in charge came to me and said, "The preacher hasn't arrived. Won't you have the sermon this morning?" That really surprised me. I wanted to find the church elder to solve the problem in this emergency; however, he had left suddenly to attend to an urgent matter, and there was no one available to do the job.
I prayed and waited five minutes, hoping the preacher would arrive at the last moment. It wasn't to be. The brethren asked me again and the church members were waiting. "All right," I said, "In the name of Jesus, I will do it." I prayed silently while the platform participants assembled.I opened my Bible to the text I had been reading that morning, James 5:7. I believed this was the topic God wanted me to present. I began recalling illustrations and thoughts on the theme. My mind was very clear, as if I had completely prepared for the occasion. Soon I had an outline in my mind. I never thought I could do something like this, The Holy Spirit was directing everything. Even though my voice wasn't very sonorous, I felt better and I left my discourse in His hands. I felt God was with us and this sermon would be for His glory. It made me very happy to have the privilege of serving my Heavenly King that morning.
It is important to be prepared for events such as this. Perhaps if we were more prepared, we would be ablo to go where God wants us to go.
I wanted to share this experience with you because there are many ways we can serve as pastors' wives. Even though this was an unusual occurrence, I am sure that you too have had beautiful experiences of unexpected ways in which the Lord was glorified and taught you too.
A few days later, I learned that the preacher was taken ill just as he was leaving his house that Sabbath. If I had decided to stay home, I would not be able to share this experience with you now. I know God would not have left His church without spiritual food, and someone would have done the job, but I would have lost the privilege to receive a great blessing.
Sometimes we don't consider little things as being important. Perhaps we have lost sight of the little things which make up our lives. When you, my sister, think something is not important, be alert, think. Our mission counts for everything. The Heavenly King is satisfied to let us care for those He loves the most, His sheep and lambs.
Our pastors have a great responsibility, but with them, we may serve too. Our hearts fill with joy and love when we realize what a privilege it is to be working for the Heavenly King!