1. Keeps in constant communion with God—private devotions (Ministry of Healing. p. 294 and Luke 12:31).
2. Craves to make the home happy and cheerful. Build your own home for heaven first before you can bring others in (Testimonies to the Church, Volume 2, p. 463 and Proverbs 31:1031).
3. Is humble (1 Peter 3:6).
i. Does not show off as the pastor's wife who knows it all.
ii. Is teachable.
4. Follows Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on modest dress.
i. Is not carried away by fashion
ii. Instructs her family in the right principles of dress.
iii. Not only instructs but by example leads a modest life in dress (1 Peter 3:4).
5. Is respectful to the elderly both of the church and fellow ministers' wives.
Elderly wives should also respect the young pastors' wives, teach them and correct them with love (1 Timothy 4:12).
Spiritual growth does not come because of age, it comes because of constant communion with God.
6. Is her husband's comfort and support.
i. In times when he is going through waves of ministry, she will soothe the hurting wounds instead of adding salt.
ii. Offers those silent prayers when he is preaching.
iii. Fasts for her husband's success.
iv. Fasts for her children.
v. Does not reprove harshly in public.
vi. She is a shoulder to cry on, for the widow and needy.
7. Is a loving and unselfish mother to the members.
i. Always ready to bear their burdens.
ii. Ready to shed a tear with them in times of sorrow.
iii. Ready to rejoice with them in times of happiness.
8. Through her tender, gentle behavior, helps her husband spread the word.
9. Is not too demanding of his time.
i. She shares her husband happily with church members.
ii. She is not jealous of the members .
10. Is a grave:
i. She buries all her husband's sorrows.
ii. She does not gossip about the church members.
iii. She keeps confidence of both husband and church members.
11. Is a helpmate but not the pastor. She does help, but does not do his job. Her duty is to lighten his load.