Eastern Africa Division
* The Eastern Africa Division office reports that administrative wives gathered in the worship room for a special meeting. Angeline Musvosvi led a discussion on "Supporting Our Pastoral Husbands." They later exchanged recipes and enjoyed a taste test of these treats.
* Uganda Mission reports that 24 Shepherdesses accompanied their husbands to the workers' meeting held near Lira. This was the first meeting for pastors' wives held in the North. The ladies met in the mornings, and the couples met together in the afternoons. Topics included ways to enhance spiritual growth, nutrition for the family and hospitality. Demonstrations on table settings and meals were enjoyed by all.
* Malawi Union reports that the ladies of Billla in Ntcheu were blessed by their Shepherdess meeting. They also held a two-week evangelistic meeting. There are five Shepherdess chapters in Malawi—North Malawi Field, Central Malawi Field, South Malawi Field, Malamulo Chapter and Kanjedza Chepter.
* The North Malawi Field chapter has 43 Shepherdesses and the Mzimba Shepherdesses meet every Tuesday to pray for their husbands and visit the sick.
* The South Malawi Field reports that Shepherdesses held an evangelistic effort at Helemans village with Mrs. E. M. Kachoka leading out. She is the retired widow of a pastor. This was the first time a religious meeting was ever allowed in this village. Ten people accepted Christ and have started Bible classes.
* The Kanjedza Chapter reports that they are very involved in Family Care meetings. It was in one of these visits that the Lord led the pastors' wives to a village chief who was a chain smoker and heavy drinker. After studying with him for some time, he accepted Christ and now awaits baptism.
* The Zambia Union has six Shepherdess chapters— Central Zambia Conference, Copperbelt Field, East Zambia Field, North Zambia Field, South Zambia Field and West Zambia Field. The 134 Shepherdesses are divided into zones so that all can meet regularly under the area directors. Zambia also is thankful that a team of 9 Shepherdesses participated in the crusade in the Khumanzi Village, Chadiza. The evangelistic meetings resulted in 15 baptisms and 32 converts,
* Kenya has begun a visitation program where the Shepherdess leaders visit the district and station levels to encourage each pastor's wife in her support of her husband. Rallies have been held in various parts of the Union to encourage as well as to strengthen the faith of the Shepherdesses. One-day seminars have covered a variety of subjects including, cookery, child care, health, husband/wife relationship and spiritual growth.
* The Kenya Maranatha Chapter Shepherdesses met for a full week of meetings and seminars held at St. Georges Secondary School. It was organized by Mrs. Eunice Wangai the Shepherdess coordinator. Speakers included Dr, Mary Wangai speaking on Depression, and Common Gynecological Problems; Dr. Paul Wangai on Drug Abuse and the Family; Mrs. Angenda on Counseling Guidance; Mrs. Mwasai on Communication Skills; Mrs. J. Kazibwe on Simple Home Nursing and First Aid; Mrs. J. Mbugua on The Shepherdess and Evangelism; Mrs. Ombando on Prayer Life; and Mrs. Eunice Wangai on the Shepherdess Organization.
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
* Joy Tun, the Myanmar Mission Shepherdess Coordinator reports that the Shepherdesses in that region have held 12 seminars and 82 chapter meetings. Collectively as pastors' wives they have made 1,258 personal visits for either evangelistic or counseling requests. They are responsible for 30 baptisms in the Myanmar Mission. Praise God for the work of these dedicated pastors' wives!
* Dorothy Biswas, Shepherdess Coordinator of Bangladesh Union Mission, reports that for the first time in the history of North Bangladesh Mission, a Shepherdess evangelistic meeting was conducted at Gobindopur. Mrs. Lucena Chambugong was the organizer. Two months before the meetings she involved all of the ministers' wives of that area in cottage meetings and preparing baptismal candidates. At the end of the meetings 34 people were baptized.
The theme of the evangelistic meetings was "Experience the Power of His Word."
*Roseline Haider reports that the pastors' wives held a meeting in Amritapur in the Rajshahi District of the Bangladesh Union Mission. As a result of this outreach 44 people accepted Christ and were baptized. Shepherdess International provided the funding for pastors' wives to hold this evangelistic campaign.
Southern Asia Division
* Dorothy Watts reports that on the way to a baptism, a woman stepped near a snakes nest. A black snake came out and bit her big toe and then went back inside the nest. "She will die," the people said. "The hospital is too far away. There is nothing we can do." Margaret Nathaniel, former Shepherdess Coordinator for the Southern Asia Division was there to help the new members learn how to conduct children's Sabbath School programs. She gathered a group together for special prayer for the woman. Then, she made a solution of charcoal water and soaked the woman's foot for 30 minutes. After that she placed a poultice on the toe and they continued on to the baptismal spot. Soon after the baptism the pain was completely gone. The next Sabbath the women was at Sabbath School smiling broadly. "Jesus Christ has healed me of the snake bite!" she said.
Your Shepherdess Chapter
* We would like to feature the evangelistic activities, seminars and meetings, or items of general interest about your Shepherdess Chapter in coming issues of the Journal. Send a short description of your chapter's newsworthy events and activities along with photographic prints of the happening if available to Shepherdess International, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA.