While sitting on a mountain Jesus painted the picture of the Great Judgement for his disciples. Eternal life for everyone on earth will depend on the acceptance of Jesus Christ. Much can be told about a person by his actions and his willingness to help others in Christ's name.
On that day Christ will not tell us what He has done for each person's salvation when He died on the cross. Rather He will show everyone what he or she has done for Him, and that way Christ will separate "the sheep from the goats."
Those who will be approved by Christ at the Judgement may know nothing about theology, but they joyfully used God's principles throughout their lives. Influenced by the Holy Spirit, they were a blessing to those around them. In God's eyes every good deed is seen as something done for Christ.
Nowadays, as in the past, there are people in the church who have a gift of compassion and immediate response to anyone's pain and suffering, even though the people they help may not be their friends or loved ones.
It would be good to highlight those bright personalities who lighten up our everyday life. They should become a good example for others. It looks like those people always ask themselves, "If I don't do it, who will ... ?"
I personally know a sister who does not think about her own wellbeing, even though she has some health problems. She is always helping others. Some years ago she provided a home for a lonely old lady. Now she regularly visits elderly people, cooks for them and does their laundry. She goes to hospitals to talk to the patients and to pray with them. She assists those who need help with yard work. She donates her land to those who need it to grow fruits and vegetables. She serves as a nurse for a friend's sick daughter to give the mother a little rest. She invites those who are sick to her house and treats them with herbal remedies and gives advice about healthy living.
She is so full of energy! Do you know how much Christian literature she has distributed? Sometimes she gives it out for free to those who cannot afford to buy it. Even though she is always quiet and does not want to be noticed, she has managed to light the fire of God's love in many people's hearts.
I will not mention her name—it is well known in Heaven. Those who serve their neighbors will be served to by the Great Shepherd. Everyone has an opportunity to do something. The Great Shepherd will ask everyone, "What have you done for me?" What are you going to answer? *