Southern Asia Pacific Division
* Dorothy Biswas, the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Bangladesh Union Mission, reports that their yearly Shepherdess Seminar was held at the Maranatha Seminary Church. Forty-five women participated in the program. With the aim in mind that Shepherdess reflects God's light to people around her the women vowed to (1) understand the love of God, (2) obey parents and teachers, (3) be faithful to God, others and themselves, (4) know the responsibility of the children to the parents, (5) keep them and their environments clean, (6) feel the power of prayer in their lives, and (7) learn honesty in their daily life. Besides seminars the Shepherdesses took time relaxing in nature, admiring the beauty of the lake and visiting Dinajpur District's two historical sites. A miracle took place when Sweety Ritchil's son got seriously sick. Nurses in the group and a small clinic doctor helped, and with a miracle of God the child's life was saved. Pastoral wives left with the goal to grow personally, find fellowship with fellow pastoral wives and assist in developing stronger family relationships.
* Pastors wives from Manado, Indonesia and the surrounding areas held satellite meetings for months and gave hundreds of personal Bible studies in preparation for the reaping meeting at the East Indonesian Union office.
Netty Rantung, Shepherdess Coordinator for the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, along with Sharon Cress from Shepherdess International and Adly Campos joined the pastoral wives in a joint evangelistic meeting. Mrs. Jeanne Sakul, Shepherdess Coordinator for East Indonesia, worked tirelessly on the programming to make the meetings successful. Behind the scenes support was organized by Mrs. Gladys Mambu. Mrs. Evelyn Kesaulya was the official hostess and made everyone feel at home with her gracious hospitality.
Each evening Sharon Cress presented a Health Lifestyle seminar and Adly Campos conducted a Family in Jesus seminar. Netty Rantung was the official translator for the meetings. Opening night the Mayor along with his wife were present for the meeting. The wife of the Mayor presented a timely and relevant message of the importance of family life in Christianity which set the tone for the whole seminar. Elder Noldy Sakul, the Union Secretary, and Elder Moldy Mambu, the Union Treasurer, supported the meetings by both their presence and expertise. Hundreds of people were baptized because of the faithfulness of these pastors wives with a passion to spread the love of Jesus.
Shepherdess Seminars were held in the mornings for all the pastors wives at the Union office. Each group presented a report of their area and many presented special music with their vocal gifts.
* Joy Tun, Shepherdess Coordinator from Myanmar Union Mission, reports the following story: Myint Myint Yee lives in the little town of Tharawaddy with her husband Pastor Tin Saung. Every Sabbath and Sunday for over two months she conducted Branch Sabbath School in her village. When the children had holidays she also conducted meetings for them, always telling them Bible stories, teaching them songs and special picture roll stories about Bible characters. One day as she turned the picture roll over telling the stories, the pictures touched the heart of a little boy. He began wondering how many children were saved in the story of Noah or how many children were saved in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. He was only eight-yearsold but he went home worried and urged his mother to be baptized because he did not want his family destroyed. The mother at first did not accept the Bible stories he was telling her. But the little boy was not thwarted. Day in and day out, week after week, he pleaded with his mother. Finally, she could not go on neglecting his coaxing so the mother asked Pastor Saung to give her Bible studies. Now the mother and son are both happy and satisfied because she was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist church! Praise the Lord for the perseverence of a little boy and praise the Lord for Myint Myint Yee and her devotion to Jesus and the spreading of His message of love.
* Mrs. Ruth V. Aguilar, Shepherdess Coordinator of the Northern Mindanao Conference, reports that the pastors wives teamed with lay women to produce a Revelation Seminar. The speaker was Annabel Quilog, a pastors wife. She had a question and answer session each night in which people from the audience could ask her any question. Sometimes her husband, Elder Quilog assisted with the difficult questions. Lay women helped with the registration and prayers each evening. They also did the babysitting. Because of the cold weather, people were wrapped in coats to keep warm, but it did not keep them from attending. Because of Annabel's faithful efforts 50 precious people were baptized into Jesus.
South American Division
* Central Brazil Union through Vasti Vianna, Division Shepherdess Coordinator reports:
1. In the South Sao Paulo Conference Pastor's day was well commemorated at a special meeting.
2. In Mato Grosso Mission the AFAM have a system of visiting in homes and also hold meetings for thecommunity for social activities and lectures.
3. In the East Sao Paulo Conference they hosted an AFAM meeting where Dr. Claudia Bruscagim spoke on the subject of feminine sexuality. Also, an interior decorator spoke on "Beauty in the Home and the Church" and they had a Valentine's day banquet. Attendance at all of these events by the pastors wives was approximately 90 percent.
4. AFAM coordinate Bernadete held regional meetings one of which was in a lovely country home. During the day the women shared good experiences, swam in a beautiful pool and enjoyed a delicious meal together. At night they had a tea and lecture.
5. In the Central Sao Paulo Conference they had a meeting "Cure for Broken Vessels" in which they also developed a group activity book.
6. ABC a special meeting for the PK's was held at McDonalds.
7. In the Silo Paulo Conference a Shepherdess Council was held in a hotel in Santos. The speaker was Dr. Estrada, a psychologist and marriage counselor.
8. In CPIC Shepherdess organized an encounter for teenage pastoral children. It was entitled "Overcoming the Impossible and "How Can Adolescent Children Understand Their Parents Faced with Physical and Psychological Changes." A survey was made regarding the daily life of the pastoral family and the result proved a lack of attention of the fathers toward their children and the absence of the father from the home.
At the Brazil College Campus Mrs. Miriam Marks has a team which developed a complete program of orientation and continuing education for wives, financee's and girlfriends of Theology students at Brazil College Campus 2. A large number of future pastors wives attended with interest and enthusiasm
Southern Asia Division
Leela Rathman writes from the Andra District that she is using the picture rolls sent to her by Shepherdess International to conduct Evangelistic Meetings. She and her husband walk seven kilometers to spread the gospel message with these picture rolls. Many people have been baptized from the Hindu religion.
* Zarin Sharon, Shepherdess Coordinator of Gujarat Conference, reports that they organized a meeting for the pastors' families. Pastor Christopher, Central India Union President, Mrs. Sarojini Christopher, CIU Shepherdess Coordinator, and Pastor Bhaskar Rao were the guest speakers.
Mrs. Christopher gave valuable tips on the Role of a Shepherdess in church growth. The theme of the Presidents' message was "We are the source of blessing to our church and family".
The women promised to add another 200 women to the church by the end of 2000. They need your prayers.
* Jean Sundaram South Tamil Conference, Shepherdess Coordinator reports, Mrs. Glory Monickam along with Pr. Monickam conducted a group Bible study at Raj apathy which is close to Tuticorin. Among this group was a young girl named Poornakala. She attended Sabbath services faithfully. She was very much interested in Adventist truth. Since she was born and brought up by Hindu parents, they refused her to be baptized. The following week when a few members were baptized, Poornakala voluntarily stepped into the water and asked the pastor to baptize her. Since she went against her parents wish, they did not accept her back at home. Now she is staying in a hostel and studying plus two, (12th standard). Kindly remember her in your prayers.
* Mrs. Vanitha Sundersingh visits homes and prays for the sick. She says by fasting and praying five sick people were healed. They were so interested to know the truth that she organized a Bible study group. She also conducts prayer meetings and all night prayer meetings at Rajakalpatti. In the last meeting she conducted people from nearby villages gathered. Nearly 100 people attended the meetings.
* Mrs. Glory David is giving Bible studies to the people who make earthern pots. These potters were attracted by the women who accompanied Mrs. Glory David to give Bible study in that area. They were very much interested to know about Jesus and asked our Shepherdess to tell more about Jesus. Since they are very poor she collected some clothes and other things and distributed to all the people in that colony. They were very happy and are thankful to our ladies. The Bible study is going on. A few families are getting ready to be baptized.
* Rani Nageshwara Rao of West Andhra Section gives Bible studies.
The women gather in one house every day to study God's Word. While the study was still in progress one of the women stood up and said, "We never heard that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of the world. This is something new?' She was the first to give her heart to Jesus. Fourteen other women joined her.
Rami Nageshwara Rao has decided to prepare 30 souls for God's kingdom in 1999.
* Mrs. Jasoni Murmu of West Bengal Section, along with her pastor/ husband, visits three villages. They gather children, teach them songs and tell stories. They study God's Word with adults, give health lectures and pray with them. Mrs. Murmu talks to the women separately about housekeeping, cleanliness, child care, financial management, food and nutrition, etc. As a result of her labour she led two souls to light. She also helps the poor by stitching clothes for them.
* Mrs. Karuna Kandulna, along with her husband conducts prayer meetings in five villages. Her regular visits and prayer with the families in their respective homes resulted in five baptisms and reclaiming the inactive members to the church.
* Suman Khajekar from Jalna, Maharahstra is the founder and coordinator of the Shepherdess Tailoring Center in Jalna. Mrs. Khajekar had toiled for over three years and has changed the lives of many women. Again, she has prepared one of her classes for baptism. Sixty-seven people were baptized in a special service attended by Union officials. Among this group were women who had formerly been prostitutes, Hindus and Muslims. The Holy Spirit continues to bless this Tailoring Center and Mrs. Khajekar's faith. Please remember her and this center in your prayers.