Mrs. Arputhamani Ponnusami is a pastoral wife in Sawyerpuram, a small town in South Tamil Section of South India Union.
She visits a nearby village called Pandaravilai twice a week. As a result of her regular visits she has been able to organize a Bible study group for twelve ladies and two men. On Tuesdays the Bible study participants fast and begin their program at noon. Their Bible study ends at 3 p.m.
The Church of South India is located in the center of Pandaravilai. Before the church was built there was much opposition to its location. The Pandaravilai community did not want their village to he overtaken by Seventh-day Adventists. The villagers made fun of this person who kept the Sabbath and so fervently shared the Gospel of the Lord. The adults of the village thought it was a big mistake to let her enter their community; they were agitated because many of the villagers began going to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
By God's grace and through her untiring labor, three people were baptized into the church. One of them is Annalthai, a blind young lady. She was tortured the day she was baptized. For ten days she was not given food. She bravely told her father and other family members that even if she had to die, she would not depart from the truth she had accepted. Due to her steadfastness and good behavior, her father and sister also accepted Jesus as their Savior. They will be baptized soon. Praise the Lord. He never forsakes those who trust Him. This family needs our prayers.
Arputhamani and four ladies from the church had an all-night prayer meeting in one of the homes of the church members. The prayer session started at 10 p.m. At 12 midnight, one of the ladies began to choke as she prayed; soon she could not speak. Sensing this was the work of the devil, Arputhamani started praying. She rebuked the evil spirit in Christ's name and prayed earnestly for about thirty minutes. The evil spirit said, "I cannot stay here any longer" and left. What a miracle!
Arputhamani says God is leading her in His ministry. She requests each reader of this article to remember her and her ministry in their prayers.