She slipped so quietly into my kindergarten room that Sabbath morning, yet it seemed another light had been turned on. I felt so pleased when at the close she remarked that she and her little son had enjoyed the Sabbath School. Later I realized how generous was her praise when I saw her in action in the primary department.
As a young girl my dream was to marry a minister. Through the years I studied the virtues of ministers' wives to prepare for that coveted position, should it be my privilege. Some of our pastors' wives were more outstanding than others, but I loved them all.
Then one day, ten years after I married my minister (a medical evangelist), I met the minister's wife who seemed to possess all the lovely traits I admired and wished to emulate. The new minister brought something very special to our church. How we loved him for his high ideals and clear messages. Secretly I often wondered, outstanding as he is, would he be the same if his wife were different and less helpful?
As I think back over the years since we met, I see how easy it was for people to be drawn to his wife. How often I have heard her say, "I understand," and I knew she really did. We experienced the ultimate of her love and thoughtfulness the day she kept our seven children while we packed and moved. Other fond memories of our association include singing with her in the In-gathering and Sunshine bands. Somehow these experiences opened avenues for reaching hearts of sick and lonely people I might not have found alone. In cases of emergency her ever-present willingness to fit in and fill in wherever she was needed won our admiration.
Often when malting even small decisions we ask ourselves, "What would Jesus do if He were in my place?" It is easier for the women of the church to know better what He would do if we see the minister's wife doing it. I believe she tries to do what Jesus would have her do.
Although I can't remember the cut or color of any dress except one which she wore, I think of her as a perfect example in dress. That particular dress was blue—and our daughter, admiring both the wearer and the dress, chose a similar pattern for one of her own school dresses.
I was always happy she had a boy—a regular boy, with a capital B. I too had a live wire and our joys and problems gave us much in common. I watched her patient, consistent methods in training her children.
Of all the happy church services conducted by Elder______ , the three I best remember were the baptisms of two of our daughters, and the dedication of the little one. Behind those beautiful services were work and careful planning that only a minister's wife could do.
We were sorry when she left our church. We will miss her, but her life will touch hundreds of other lives. I knew this was in God's plan. When she thinks of us she can remember one little flickering light in our church, that is beaming brighter than it would have, had it not touched hers.