Africa-Indian Ocean Division
* Denise Ratsara, AID Shepherdess Coordinator reports that since the month of March she has traveled far and served the pastors wives in four Unions-one week at each Union. In Nigeria over 600 participated in the Shepherdess meeting. At the Indian Ocean Union about 600 attended and in Burundi and Rwanda there were about 650 despite all the tragedies the ministry families have suffered. Many pastors have been killed, along with their families. One pastor's wife told of losing over 100 relatives.
Euro-Africa Division
* Maeve Maurer, Shepherdess Coordinator for the Division, reports on her service trips to Bulgaria and Romania:
In Bulgaria there were three meetings specifically for the pastor's wives. Maeve led the discussion topics which included "Today's Situation of the Pastors Wife", "The Education of the Pastors Kids" and a report of Shepherdess activities from around the world. Other meetings were held with the ministry couples attending together. Gabriel Maurer, Ministerial Secretary for the Division, spoke to the combined group.
In Romania Maeve was joined by Mary Maxson who also spoke to the women. Special time for individual conversations with the women made for a good timc together.
Euro-Asia Division
* East Russia Union Mission—Marta Khiminets conducted a meeting of eighteen pastoral wives who met together in Khabarovsk. The theme was "How to be More Useful in Serving the Church."
* Ukrainian Union—Two days of meetings were held in Lviv. Nadezhda Vertylo, Ukranian Union Shepherdess Coordinator conducted the meetings. Topics included "The Ministerial Budget" and seminars on psychology. Kiev was the setting for a second meeting with sixteen present. Julia Larion presented the spiritual emphasis and Ludmila Danuluch shared experiences of conducting meetings with pastors kids.
* Minsk in the Belarus Conference hosted a met ting of 19 women. Topics included raising children and pre-marital counseling. In Yekaterinburg, Ural Conference, 28 participated in topics about the Spirit of Prophecy and Family Relationships.
* N. Novgorod, ColgoVyatskaya Conference hosted 45 pastoral wives where the topics "Why Pastor's Children do not Become Pastors," and "The Influence of the Family and Church on Pastoral Children" were discussed.
* Ludmila Krushenitskaya, ESD Shepherdess Coordinator, organized a meeting of ESD Shepherdess Coordinators. The women met at the ESD Division office building. The main agenda item was to create a work plan for 2000-2005. Specific topics discussed included the "Pastoral Family and Finance," "We're All So Different" and the "Privileges and Responsibilities of a Pastor's Wife."
* West Russia Union Shepherdess Coordinators met together for two days of planning in Klimovsk. Topics discussed included criticism, mentoring, trusting in the Lord, the role of women in ministry, finding joy in life and Ellen White as a pastor's wife.
North American Division
* Southeastern Conference Shepherdesses met at the Gainesville Radisson Hotel for an Agape Feast. Daisy 0. Brown, Shepherdess Coordinator, organized the event. Hazel Gordon, Shepherdess Sponsor from the Southern Union delivered a spiritual, encouraging and pleasant message entitled "Ten Reasons for Being a Pastor's Wife." The ladies enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and left with memories of laughter and fellowship.
South America Division
(See PDF for pictures)
Robyn Stanley reports on the Shepherdess retreat held at Historic Kenilworth Homestead. The venue of a lovely rustic retreat made an ideal setting for delightful laid-back fellowship. The meetings were held in the end room of a restored old barn around a fireplace which created a question and answer period was much appreciated, too. To finalize the weekend, the ladies drove to the famous Jacques Restaurant and enjoyed a delightful final meal together. Requests are already coming in to repeat the retreat again!
Southern Asia Division
* Mrs. S. Luikam reports that Shepherdesses of Chingmeirong, Manipur/Nagaland Section had the privilege of witnessing for the Lord by singing for the television audience. Twenty women worked typing the songs and teaching the members to read the music. Harmony was developed to get the parts correct, and uniforms were made for the taping. When the big day bray- arrived the pastors wives were escorted into the TV station and ushered to a beauty parlor to make themselves presentable for the shooting. The TV program was recorded to be enjoyed by hundreds!
* Hepzibah Kore, Shepherdess Coordinator for the Southern Asia Division reports that two Shepherdess seminars were conducted in Dindugal, South Tamil Conference and Trivandrum, South Kerala Section. Nearly 110 pastoral Shepherdesses benefitted from the seminars. At these meetings a new Shepherdess continuing education course, "New Life for the Pastor's Wife" was presented. There was also a cancer awareness session and a time for testimonies where the women shared thrilling experiences of God's guidance in ministry, Shepherdesses are involved in regular Bible studies, prayer groups and home visitation. The results of these efforts have seen 213 persons baptisms, as well as backsliders reclaimed and 128 people enrolled in the Voice of Prophecy.
* Two series of meetings were conducted for the South and the West Andhra sections and another in Lakkavaram for the North Andhra Section. Nearly 75 pastors' wives attended these meetings. Fourteen of them VOP enrollment and literacy classes. Tara Singh of Simla periodically broadcasts health messages and children's programs through Radio Simla. Ahiam Adai of Manipur/ Nagaland was instrumental in establishing a company of believers in Ningthoujang, a village on the Assam border. Through these programs 1,084 people have been baptized! Praise the Lord!
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
(See PDF for pictures)