Just yesterday, it seems, they were here,
All sitting in their places,
Sweetly lighting up the pews
With their happy, eager faces.
Now a dimness and a darkness
Seems to hover in the aisles.
The sparkle is all missing;
Gone the youthful smiles.
We thought we were an active church.
The Board and Dorcas met
And talked of things that could be done,
And many plans were set.
The building fund was mentioned--
The investment program too,
Ingathering had its moment.
Oh, so many things to do!
But it was all a little difficult
When all the talk was done
To plan for hikes and socials
That would give the youth some fun.
We let them pass out papers.
(We wished they had more zeal!)
But we failed to plan for programs
With special youth appeal.
We tried to make our church increase,
And searched for souls afar,
While the young people were departing
Through the back door left ajar!
So now they're gone! We wonder why
We've lost our precious youth.
Could it be we were too busy
Merely talking about the truth?