Music—Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Celebrate His abundant goodness and joyfully sing of His Righteousness.
One of the things that helps me in my spiritual walk is music. It always seems to revive me, Anytime I'm down and out a good Negro Spiritual will pick me up, Most songs that I sing and listen to are my gifts to the Lord through praise and prayer (and He inhabits praise). I enjoy listening to music (hymns) and meditating upon the words. Some of the most inspiring songs are the children's songs, expressing simple belief and trust. The Lord has given me a very special gift in my daughter. She too loves to sing and I often hear her singing throughout the day, even at the close of the day while in bed singing, "I Love You, Lord," Most nights she won't even go to sleep without her music. Like her, I would have no peace and rest without my music. As a matter of fact, is there peace without music? I pray I never have to find out. I praise God daily for His gifts but especially music. I think that it is also ironic that most of the hymns are born out of pain, suffering, and difficulties. Until Jesus comes, I no doubt will continue to sing and praise God through music.
—Joyce Moore
God has directed me to several studies and activities to keep me spiritually charged:
I. Bible study fellowship, a worldwide interdenominational Bible Study, has been a large part of my life. T have grown spiritually through this ministry because it has challenged me to be in God's Word daily as I relate His Word to my everyday life and wait on Him to direct me through His Word. I benefit from the small group that I'm assigned to be a part of, holding me accountable, sharing with each other what God has revealed each week, and praying for each other and the situations we go through in our lives.
The six-year study includes one year each of Genesis, The Life of Moses, Minor Prophets, Matthew, John, The Life and Letters of Paul
I have gained so much from the general session (a 45-minute sermon), learning principles from the Bible and applying them to my life. I have gained great joy from fellow-shipping and working alongside these wonderful Christian women leaders and have been able to help break down the walls of prejudice against Seventh-day Adventists as we seek to find the common thread in our spiritual walk, that of Jesus Christ. I praise God that I have had the opportunity to not only fill my spiritual cup, but also he able to have a ministry all my own through BSF.
2. Mom's In Touch, a prayer ministry for the purpose of praying for local schools, teachers, and especially for bringing Moms together weekly to pray for their children. Through this ministry I have gained a new aspect toward praying, Scriptural Praying. Praying back to God His Words as I intercede in prayer for myself, husband, children, family, and friends. My prayer time has been energized and I find God directing me to specific verses/chapters of scripture as needs arise in either my life or my family/ friend's life that I know nothing about ahead of time, yet God had directed me to be specifically praying for a future need He alone knew. I find I hit the mark every time as I pray back His promises, because He says: "[My words will] not return to me void" (Isa. 55:11).
3. Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby and Claude V. King. This is a book and small group workbook study focusing knowing and doing the will of God. I'm just into the first chapter of both book and workbook, but I'm discovering wonderful truths about how to experience God through a love relationship with Him through which He accomplishes His purposes in my life. I'm learning to watch to see where God is working in my life and join Him. I'll let you know more as He grows me.
—Jeanene Preast