On Sabbath wherever I happen to be,
I find a school so dear to me.
I love this school but pay no fee,
For all its classes are for free.
We praise the lord on this great day,
And study the Bible to learn and pray.
Discuss and speak and read and say,
Thus saith the Lord, the truth and the way.
I tell my friends far and near,
About this school which is so dear.
To come and join and have things clear,
And pray for guidance without any fear.
I wish my favorite school will grow,
And preach the gospel that all might know.
Our goal and aim and love and so
Donations increase and overflow.
Just come and visit on Sabbath Day,
Please don't hesitate and don't delay.
For this my school which I do love,
Will help us prepare for the school above.
The School I Love
A poem on Sabbath school.