"Loving You Is A Dirty Job But Somebody Has To Do It" is the title of a vintage popular country song. As clergy wives, we can readily relate to this! We are daily called upon to love the ugly of spirit, nurture the hard of heart and bring compassion to mischief makers. It is truly a dirty job—I don't like doing it and you probably don't either. It is not just a nasty job while we are trying to deal with the person, but when it is over, we come home still feeling the weight of their stinky garbage on our shoulders. And, we resent it Loving the unlovely IS a really dirty job. But Jesus has never asked you or me to do more than He was willing to do. And, He surely has a dirty job when it comes to loving me! But He consistently does it--and Heconsistently does it gladly!
We all aspire to being more Christ-like, more Jesus-centerred. But sometimes it is so hard.. So, the next tone you meet up with one of these soul-tyring menaces to your mental health, perhaps, you, like me, can say (in your mind only!). Loving you is a rea dirty job, but somebody has to do it!" God bless youi and keep you, and may you feel His special love to you this very day!