An evangelistic effort was scheduled, and the Women’s Ministries team would be organizing the event. In the past, a preacher led out during the three-week event; however, my pastor husband thought it was time for the “mother” to preach!
As a young pastor’s wife with, at the time, only eight years of experience in the ministry, I was quite nervous about such an assignment. I had never preached before. My husband always preached for church, and elderly women led the Women’s Ministry events. Sure, I had taught the youth at our church and given cooking classes, but preaching in such a public forum? Never!
But God had other plans. One day some people came to our home looking for my husband. A relative had died, and they needed him to preach at the funeral. Unfortunately, he and all the elders of our church were gone. So the family asked me to preach. How could I refuse? I rushed to the library, borrowed the book The Truth About Death, and outlined a funeral service. I was so nervous, but God knew my heart was in the right place. I believe He knew I was willing but not quite ready to preach in such a public place. As we proceeded to the funeral location, we happened to pass a lady evangelist as we proceeded to the funeral location. I asked her if she would lead out at the funeral service, and she agreed. I was so relieved!
But now, the evangelistic meetings were approaching rapidly. I was assigned the topics of baptism and Judgment. I was busy caring for my fourmonth-old child and had little time to prepare. But I knew I could offer no excuses—I was a pastor’s wife, and it was my honor and duty to be involved in the evangelistic effort.
I managed to prepare the two sermons. I prayed constantly. When the day came for my first sermon, I was so nervous, I remember very little about what I said! I did notice, however, that seven people gave themselves to Christ. I felt more confident when I gave my second sermon on the Judgment.
Through this experience, I concluded that God will use us if we have willing hearts. As you share God’s Word with others, I encourage you to remember that you are His instrument, and He yearns to guide you as you tell others of His love.