Dear Ladies,
The new year brings new opportunities. We’ve managed to survive the hustle of the holiday season and are eager to move forward into 2010. The new year usually means implementing those resolutions we made last year. Here at Shepherdess, we made some resolutions about the magazine. Listening to suggestions from you, the ministers’ wives, we are in the process yet again of going through a metamorphosis. Preserving the parts of the magazine you appreciated and reviewing how we can continue to improve—welcome to the Journal 2010!
First, the new look. Erika Miike, a designer from Brazil, has given us a facelift. Who doesn’t like a fresher appearance? Her creativity is evident in the new design. We are grateful to her for using this gift to benefit all of us. Thank you, Erika!
Secondly, the regular features you have come to look for will continue. The section featuring clergy spouses from different parts of the world has been a favorite. Gina Wahlen will continue her work researching and writing Meet Me Here and editing the Ask Anna page —another regular feature that has received rave reviews. Rae Lee Cooper’s Good for You, addressing physical and emotional health, is always appreciated.
The new year brings us new features, too. In the coming issues, Karen Holford will present a series for ministry couples that will conclude with a couple’s interaction assignment. Sarah Asaftei is writing a series focusing on young ministry wives. Adventist Risk Management will be sharing ideas for better quality of life. And there will be a special section for PKs: the View From Under the Pew. As always, we anticipate hearing from you. Ministry wives are invited and encouraged to write for your magazine.
May the new year bring all of us the blessing of knowing we are closer to the coming of our Lord, Jesus!
God bless you every one,