From the Field

News from around the world field.

Editor's Note: See the PDF for the accompanying pictures (p. 30):

East-Central Africa Division

Pastors, spouses, and children met together in Uganda for pastoral meetings and fellowship in December 2014. Anthony and Debora Kent provided training for both pastors and spouses. Anthony is a GC Ministerial associate director for continuing education, and Debora previously served the South Pacific Division as Shepherdess/Partners in Ministry director. She is now a labor and delivery nurse, midwife, and lactation consultant. 

Inter-American Division

Pastors' wives in Curacao celebrated a graduation from continuing education courses in October 2014. The courses provide three modules of training over the span of three years in areas such as personal spiritual growth, leadership development, conflict management, handling burnout and depression, and parenting. Approximately 3,000 women are enrolled in some phase of the program, and the Cuban Union has already complted the certification. Women say they love the opportunity to learn and have seen a positive impact on their homes, marriages, and ministries.  

Northern Asia-Pacific Division

The fall Hong Kong-Macau Conference workers' meeting highlighted the theme "Revival and Prophetic Truth." Ms. Swonli Tam gave an inspiring devotional message. 

Workers shared a season of united prayer, asking God to bless their individual churches and make their ministry initiatives fruitful for His glory. 

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division

In December 2014, Tduy Mfune returned from her post at the General Conference to her home country of Malawi, where she had previously been a Shepherdess sponsor. She visited almost eighty children's ministries leaders from the North Malawi Field.

They gathered at Nkhorongo Church for a workshop on how to make teaching materials for children's Sabbath Schools and after-church activities. Twenty-one of the attendees were ministry spouses. 

Southern Asia Division

India (Southern Asia Division) has over 1.3 billion people and in the next several years will surpass China as the most populous nation on earth. Pictured below are some of God's spirit-filled pastoral spouses whom He is empoering to help lead in the mission to reach this territory! Pastoral couples from across India came together in February to study, pray, and plan for this great work.