Editor's note: See the PDF for the accompanying pictures (p. 31): http://cdn.ministerialassociation.org/cdn/ministerialassociation.org/assets/spouses/sij-archives-en/2016/sij-en-2016-1.pdf?201610131500
South American Division
In October 2015, nearly 300 pastoral spouses gathered in Recife, Brazil, for fellowship, support, and spiritual growth. Five speakers presented seminars on subjects such as forming a relationship with Jesus, successful marriage, raising godly children, women’s health, and how to minister to difficult members. Once every five years, the North East Union sponsors this retreat
The General Conference
Spouses of Annual Council delegates gather to pray together for individual requests. Annual Council delegate spouses meet together. Special meetings for spouses of Annual Council delegates were held in October 2015. Kathy McKey shared her experience with evangelism and how God can do amazing things when we say “Yes!” to His call; Melody Mason shared the power of united prayer and led times of prayer that included requests by individuals; and Dr. Neil Nedley presented some new and interesting insights on our physical and emotional health.
Southern Asia–Pacific Division
Does God answer our prayers? Last year in Batticoloa, Sri Lanka, spouses studied Scripture, shared times of discouragement and encouragement, and prayed together. At the event sponsored by Shepherdess and Women’s Ministries, the women praised God for the experience. “God was so good to us during this camp, and we were blessed,” said Collette Reith. They give all the glory to God.