Editor's note: See the PDF for the accompanying pictures and activities (p. 26): http://cdn.ministerialassociation.org/cdn/ministerialassociation.org/assets/spouses/sij-archives-en/2016/sij-en-2016-2.pdf?201610131500
- Ask your parents to help you find the following items: • a tiny gift box or bag • a plain envelope • three paper hearts • 10 identical coins • marker pens.
- Place all 10 coins and one paper heart in the gift bag. This is a reminder that all of our money is a gift from God because He loves us.
- Now take the coins out of the bag and place them in a line. Count them out from 1 to 10.
- Take coin number 1 and put it in the envelope with one heart. This is your tithe to give back to God. Tithe is a special way to say “thank You” to God and show our love for Him. It also shows that we trust Him for everything we need. Decorate the envelope with the marker pens and write “Thank You, God!” on it. Your tithe money helps God’s work around the world.
- God gives us money to share with others or to help us do kind things for people. Take coin number 2 and place it on a paper heart. How will you use this money to help others?
- Eight coins are left for you. They are all gifts from God. How will you use them wisely? Why not save at least half of them for something important and special?
• Find some different coins and look at them. Whose head is on them? What pictures are on them? What messages are written on them?
• Draw two large circles on a sheet of paper. These represent the front and back of a coin. Now get creative and design both sides of a coin for God’s kingdom.
• What pictures and words can you put on your coin to remind everyone that money is a gift from God?
• What can you put on the coin to remind people to help others with their money?
• Show your coin to others and explain the design
Giving our tithe back to God is a special way to thank Him for everything He gives us. And when we tithe, God does something extra special with the rest of our money: somehow the 90 percent lasts longer or goes further.
• Ask people in your family and church to tell you about the wonderful things God has done because they’ve paid tithe. They will have some great stories to tell you about surprises and miracles!
• Write their stories in a notebook.
• Look for ways that God helps you to take care of your money and how He helps your parents when they pay tithe. Write them in your book too.
• Researchers have discovered that the happiest people are not those who want and have the most money, but those who give the most money away!
• Try putting some money in a charity box or buying a gift for someone needy (find ideas at adra.org/makea-difference/gift-catalog/). How did it feel to help someone?
Make a box in which your family can save money for helping other people.
• Ask a grown-up for an empty food container with a plastic lid.
• Ask them to cut a slot in the plastic lid big enough to put money through.
• Glue white paper over the sides of the container. Then decorate your box with pictures of people who need help (cut them out of old magazines).
• Encourage everyone in your family to put some money in the box at least once a week, even if it’s just a few pennies.
• Pray that your money will grow. Ask God to help you choose a caring project together. Use your money to buy chickens or seeds for a family overseas or toys for needy children in your town.
• Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. It says, “God loves a cheerful giver.”
• Talk with your family about this verse. Why is it sometimes hard to give cheerfully? What helps us to give cheerfully? Remembering our own blessings from God can help us want to give something back to Him.
• Make a poster or postcard with this verse on it as a reminder to give cheerfully.
•Read 2 Corinthians 9:7. It says, “God loves a cheerful giver.”
• Talk with your family about this verse. Why is it sometimes hard to give cheerfully? What helps us to give cheerfully? Remembering our own blessings from God can help us want to give something back to Him.
• Make a poster or postcard with this verse on it as a reminder to give cheerfully.