Editor's Notes: See the PDF for the accompanying pictures (p. 30): http://cdn.ministerialassociation.org/cdn/ministerialassociation.org/assets/spouses/sij-archives-en/2016/sij-en-2016-3.pdf?201610131500
East-Central Africa Division
Ministerial secretaries and Shepherdess union coordinators from the East-Central Africa Division (ECD) met in March in Nairobi, Kenya. They made plans for the next five years. Shepherdess leaders also spent time separately sharing ideas and praying for the future.
In March 2016 Jerry met Janet Page met with various conferences in Rwanda to hold prayer conferences. Below, leaders from the West Rwanda Field in Ngoma gather.
Southern Asia Division
Most pastors’ spouses in India are unemployed, and many do not have an education and livelihood. The volunteer pastors there are paid very little, so their familities remain poor.
But thank God for the wonderful ways He guides and cares for His beloved ones. With funds we received from donors we were able to distribute 48 sewing machines, nine weaving machines, and 31 toaster ovens to help these low-income pastoral families meet their basic needs. The ones who received sewing machines do stitching; those who received the toaster ovens bake bread, biscuits, and other pastries; and those with the weaving machines weave fabric. This helps the spouses supplement the pastors' income and provide for the children. These pastoral families in turn pay tithe from their income. We are so thankful for the sacrifice of donors who help the pastors' spouses in India.