From the Field

News from around the world.

Editor's note: See the PDF for the accomanying pictures (p. 28): 

Southern Asia-Pacific Division

In April 2016, the Western Mindanao Conference held a pastors’ and spouses’ retreat in Coco Beach, Dapitan City, South Philippines. About 45 couples attended, and it was coordinated by Mrs. Alicia Guting.

The Central Philippine Union Conference held a spiritual retreat for women and Shepherdesses in autumn 2015 at the Romblon Convention and Training Center in Romblon, Philippines. Some highlights of the meetings were Care Group Ministry and healthy lifestyle classes.

West-Central Africa Division

Thirty Shepherdess leaders in Cameroon Union met in March for a three-day prayer retreat. The retreat, held in Ayos, focused on the prayer lives of ministerial spouses, encouraging them to form the habit of praying for their families and their churches.

Both the Northern and Southern Unions in Ghana also held their biennial retreats in March. The theme for both retreats was “Reach the World,” and numerous practical topics were covered, including “The Prayer Life of a Ministerial Spouse,” “Team Ministry,” and “Balancing Housework and Career.” Almost 200 attended in the Northern Union, and 250 attended in the Southern Union.