Editor's note: See the PDF for the accompanying pictures and activities (p. 19): http://cdn.ministerialassociation.org/cdn/ministerialassociation.org/assets/spouses/sij-archives-en/2017/sij-en-2017-2.pdf?201610131500
Salt and Light
Read Matthew 5:13-16. In these verses Jesus tells us that we are to be like light and salt.
When we are “light,” we help people to see what God is like. They notice our kind “good works” and give credit to God for them.
When we are “salt” and we mingle with people, we can help them to “taste” or experience what God is like.
Curious Scavangers
Go around your house with your family and look for different kinds of light. Then think of different ways you use salt.
Talk together about these different lights and uses of salt. How can they help you to understand more about sharing God’s loving-kindness with the people around you?
The Saltlight Project
Starting your own SaltLight project is a fun way for you and your family to share Jesus’ loving-kindness with others!
Read the list of ideas below. Add other ideas of your own.
• Buy or print a calendar with a space for each day.
• Do the project as one family, or invite another family at church to join you. That way you can work together and reach your goals sooner.
• Decide how many of these activities your family, or group of families, could easily manage in a month. Then choose how you will celebrate when you reach your goal. Invite another family to join your celebration so you can share Jesus’ loving-kindness with them too.
• Every time you do something to share Jesus’ love, stick a gold star or a red heart on your calendar. When you have reached your goal, celebrate with your family. Then set a new target to reach.
"Good Works" List
• Smile at someone.
• Say hello to a neighbor and ask if there is anything you can do to help them.
• Help bake cookies. Then take them to a neighbor, police station, homeless shelter, women’s refuge, fire depot, etc.
• Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog.
• Tape dollar bills to toys in the dollar store.
• Write colorful, happy messages and Bible verses on paper. Tuck them into free newspapers.
• Write a happy message on a sticky note. Then hide it inside a book in the local library. Include some paper money to give someone a lovely surprise.
• Make encouraging bookmarks to hide inside library books.
• Pack up some of your good outgrown clothes, toys, and books. Take them to a Goodwill store or a women’s refuge.
• Invite a lonely child to play with you
• Pick a bunch of flowers from your yard, or make pretty paper ones. Tie them with ribbon and hang them on someone’s front door.
• Use colorful chalk to write a happy message or Bible verse on a sidewalk.
• Without being asked, do something kind to help your teacher or parent.
• Tidy your bedroom.
• Go around your home and see how fast you can put everything back in its place, or deliver items to the correct room.
• Leave a thank-you note and treat in your mailbox for the mail carrier.
• Feed the birds.
• Make thank-you cards for your Sabbath School teachers.
• Make “We’re praying for you!” cards to give to people going through tough times.
• Collect loose coins in your home. Use them to save up for a special caring project. Or buy a gift through ADRA to help a family in another part of the world (ADRA.org).
• Invite another family to your home for popcorn and a good movie or game.
• Write out the instructions for some of your favorite family worships. Include any supplies that are needed. Give the family worship kits to other families in your church.
• Encourage your church to start their own “Messy Church” program to reach families in your community (messychurch.org.uk).
• Visit fathersloveletter.com. Print off the children’s version to share the good news of God’s loving-kindness with other children. You can also print the love letter in many different languages if you know people from other countries.
• Find inspirational video clips that help people to understand God’s loving-kindness and the good news of Jesus. Then share them on your family Facebook page or through other types of social media.
• Write a happy and encouraging letter or card and send it to someone.
• Look out for people who need help. Then encourage your family to help them.
• Start a family fund for helping others. Add a little bit of money every week, and think of fun and happy ways to share God’s love with others.
• Make Bible verse promise boxes or jars to give as gifts. Print out Bible verses or write them by hand on blank business cards.
• Buy a book of Christian coloring pages and separate the pages. Color them to give as encouraging gifts. Or visit your neighbors or a care home and let people choose the one they would most like to keep. You can also pay a small amount to download inspiring art to color from www. lindisfarne-scriptorium.co.uk.
• Ask your church to invest in a large, colorful play parachute. Help your parents or children’s ministry leader to learn how to use the parachute to tell Bible stories, sing praise songs, learn Bible verses, and play Bible games. Take the parachute to use in a local park. Let other children in the park come and join you to learn about Jesus while they play (ministryto-children.com/parachutegames/ and throughtheroof.org/innovative-parachuteresource-includes-all/).
• Donate colored pencils and Christian coloring sheets to waiting areas at clinics and hospitals, or take them with you to share with other children when you are waiting.
• If your local library has Christian storybooks, borrow them, read them, and write a review for your library website or local bookstore.
• Be a junior journalist. Find out if your local paper will publish stories written by children. Then write about some of the good things that are happening at your church. Make sure you take some good photos to make your article more interesting.
• Some local papers offer to print free or low-cost messages at different times of the year, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Use this opportunity to share messages of faith, hope, and love.
• Start a project in your church in which the children and young people interview the older people about their faith journeys. Write them down, or make video recordings of them to share with the whole church or to include on your church’s website.
• Instead of Halloween, why not hold your own Christian, anti-Halloween Light Party and invite your friends? See lightparty.org for ideas.
• Invite each of your neighbors to your home for a simple soup supper so you can get to know them and their needs.
• At Christmastime visit each of your neighbors and sing carols to them. Give them a small gift of homemade cookies, a basket of fruit, or an inspiring outreach book.
• Start a children’s choir or singing group. Practice until you are good enough to sing at a local mall, airport, or other public place.
• Discover the spiritual gifts of each person in your family. Find ways to use those special gifts to share Jesus’ love.
Once you’ve had fun spreading kindness, have a celebration with your family and anyone else who helped you! Here are some ideas for your celebration:
• Watch an inspiring movie together.
• Have a picnic in the park or in another beautiful place.
• Go for a walk together. Ask one of your parents to plan a Bible treasure hunt or a nature scavenger hunt.
• Make pizza together.
• Think of other things you enjoy doing with your friends.
• Tell us about it! Do you have a creative activity that your family has used to share God’s loving-kindness? Please write and let us know.