This quarter we will pray for the Holy Spirit to work through our church departments and services to reach the world’s large cities.
1. Pray for Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries (ACM) as they mobilize chaplains and interested members to reach those in prison.
2. Pray for Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries as they share present truth with those serving in the military.
3. Pray for Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries and the Youth Ministries Department as they mobilize Adventist students at public colleges and universities to share Christ and live out the precious Three Angels’ Messages through Public Campus Ministries (PCM).
4. Pray for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) as they meet the practical needs of the urban poor.
5. Pray for the Holy Spirit to expand the number of Adventist World Radio (AWR) listeners in the cities.
6. Pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare church members to follow up and disciple the AWR listeners in the cities.
7. Pray for the members of the Adventist Professionals’ Network (APN) to have divine opportunities to disciple the urban elite, preparing them for Christ’s soon return.
8. Pray for the members of Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) to help their local conference or mission leaders to devise long-term urban mission plans that include comprehensive health ministry and Total Member Involvement in reaching large cities.
9. Pray for the members in Special Needs Ministries to have opportunities to share the blessed hope of Christ’s return with those who have special needs (the blind, the deaf, and the handicapped).
10. Pray for the Youth Ministries Department’s One Year in Mission (OYiM) initiative as it trains the next generation of urban mission leaders.
11. Pray for the Youth Ministries Department’s Pathfinder program as it trains the next generation of urban missionaries for Jesus.
12. Pray for the Women’s Ministries Department of every local church to join Christ in the ministry of intercessory prayer for God’s children in the cities.
13. Pray for the Women’s Ministries Department of every local church to be open to Christ’s calling to minister to the “least of these” in their city (like Tabitha, or Dorcas, in Acts 9).
14. Pray for each local church Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Department as they seek God’s plan for ministering to their cities through Bible study and personal witnessing.
15. Pray that every member will have an opportunity to be an urban missionary—as a teacher, chef, Bible worker, church planter, graphic designer, etc.—through Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS) www.