“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
MATTHEW 28:19-20
Evangelism Website
Our new website GCEvangelism.com is especially prepared to provide resources, news and ideas, to motivate and to facilitate the task of committed pastors and leaders to preach the Three Angels Messages of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus and His imminent Second Coming
Mission to the Cities
The world’s cities present a formidable challenge for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities with approximately 200,000 people moving from rural communities to urban communities every day (www.worldchanging.com)...
Creation Health I
Choosing to live life at its best: A look at the role of choice in personal health - by Mark Finley
- The ability to choose is hardwired into our brains by a loving Creator.
- The four "A"s of making positive choices
- Change comes when we take personal responsibility for our actions and behavior.
Creation Health II
Your emotions: A look at the role of emotion in personal health - by Mark Finley
- How attitude affects well-being
- The choice of attitude is the most important one we make each day.
- How a positive outlook can affect health
Witnessing for Jesus in a Practical Way
Leading a soul to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest experience that can ever come to a Christian. God intends that every believer should know the unsurpassed joy of this experience of leading a soul to Christ. Most church members have a genuine love for their Lord. They want to share Him with others but often feel that they don’t know how...
Conducir a una persona a los pies de Jesús es la experiencia más grata que un cristiano
pueda vivir y Dios quiere que cada creyente experimente esa alegría sin igual.
Pulpits of Hope
Pulpits of Hope is a simple, flexible and effective initiative that every preacher may adopt in his or her church. It is part of a comprehensive evangelism plan, and part of the five universal keys of successful soul winning and evangelism based on the book of Acts.
- The five keys of successful evangelism
- Making the most of the Sabbath morning service
- Transforming the pulpit of your church into an evangelistic center
It is possible to do much more of what we are doing from the pulpit on Sabbath morning. Every pastor and elder who is called to preach may use and follow this flexible, low cost preaching plan, that is giving amazing results in churches that are practicing it.