The resources on this page have been compiled with the hope and prayer that the ideas and suggestions will encourage you to make prayer the top priority in your church. As you develop this ministry in your church, remember the following:
- Prayer ministry provides an opportunity for the church to be more intentional about prayer.
- Prayer ministry supports all of your church’s other programs and ministries.
- Christ said that in the last days—in the days of the harvest—we should be praying. This ministry will encourage members to maintain an active prayer life.
- When there is a dedicated prayer ministry within a church, more people can become involved, more families reached, and more intercessors actively praying for others.
- More power is promised to the praying church.
- More prayer is needed in the church—intentional prayer for pastors, teachers, church leaders, and every member.
- Most importantly, an active prayer life will carry people into a deeper relationship with Christ and with one another.
Eight Reasons to Start an Adventist Prayer Ministry
Why does prayer ministry matter? Learn the true reason prayer ministry is vital in the Adventist church today. Plus, eight reasons to start a prayer ministry today.
How to Start an Adventist Prayer Minisry
Start here if you’re new to prayer ministry. It will walk you through the steps to take as you seek God's guidance, develop a plan, and recruit people to work with you. It will also help you avoid some common pitfalls.
Prayer Coordinator Job Description
You've just been elected as a prayer leader. What are you supposed to do? This job description will give you a clear picture of what your role as a Seventh-day Adventist Prayer Coordinator involves. Versions for local church leaders as well as conference/union/division leaders.
Becoming a Prayer-Saturated Church
Is prayer the lifeblood of your church? A prayer-saturated church is a vibrant, growing, God-honoring place. Discover the marks of a house of prayer and learn how to help your church become one.
Prayer Ministry Ideas
A list of 20+ creative prayer ministry ideas that have been successful in other churches. You'll find suggestions for encouraging personal prayer, using prayer as an outreach, and prayer events that will engage the whole church.
Powerful Prayer Meetings
Prayer meetings can--and should--be the heartbeat of your church. Learn why it matters, how God will use it to transform your church, and how to lead a powerful prayer meeting.
Praying for Revival
Revival is our greatest need in these last days. Are you praying for it? It is a gift that comes only in response to earnest prayer.
How to Lead a Prayer Challenge
A prayer challenge invites people to set aside time to focus on spiritual growth. It is an excellent way to kick off a prayer ministry program or prepare for an evangelistic outreach.
Building a Vibrant Prayer Ministry Manual
This short manual by Pastor Jansen and Gloria Trotman is filled with inspiration and practical suggestions for developing a prayer ministry.
Can Prayer Be Evangelism?
Prayer is the most important method of evangelism we have. Discover why prayer is so important and seven practical ways to reach out to your community through prayer.
Intercessory Prayer
If God is already infinitely loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful, why do we need to pray for others? Learn why intercession matters and how to intercede effectively. Hint: It’s not easy, but watching God work in answer to prayer is incredible!
Recommended Resources
Want to learn more about prayer and prayer ministry? This list of books will help you learn more about how to lead out in prayer ministry and pray more effectively.
Teaching Presentations
A collection of Powerpoint presentations created by veteran prayer coordinators that you can adapt and use to teach your church members about prayer.
Guidelines for Congregational Prayer
Do you have a specific time set aside during your church service for people to share their praises and prayer requests? These guidelines will show you how to make prayer the highlight of each Sabbath service.
Praying & Anointing
James 5:14-16 clearly calls us to pray for the spiritual and physical healing of the sick. Learn when anointing is appropriate, what God wants to do through it, and how to do it in a way that honors God.
Prayer Event Planning Checklist
Being a prayer leader often includes planning events. Use this checklist as a guide to ensure you plan well and don't miss anything important.
Ellen White on United Prayer
Ellen White was a firm believer in the power of united prayer. She often prayed with others and encouraged God's people to unite in prayer for His blessing. "Jesus promised a special blessing on united prayer" (Signs of the Times, August 14, 1884 Par. 11). This is an extensive compilation of her writings on united prayer.
Prayer & Bible Study Groups
Ellen White says that "the formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort has been presented to me by One who cannot err." Learn how to lead out in successful small group ministry in your church and community.
Prayer for Rain - Mini Handbook for United Prayer
Discover God’s plan for united prayer and how to lead effectively. This booklet (available in 18 languages) will show you how to pray with others.
United Prayer Call Resources
Prayer calls are an effective way to get people praying together, especially if time and distance make it hard to gather in person for prayer. These resources, developed by 24/7 United Prayer, will show you how to host Holy Spirit-filled prayer calls.
Guide to Forty Days of Prayer
What if all the Adventists in your church (or conference/union/division) set aside forty days to pray for Jesus to be uplifted in your area? Can you imagine what God could do as a result? Practical suggestions and resource links for holding a forty days of prayer event in your area.
The Daniel Fast
Fasting is a Biblical practice that yields rich rewards in our spiritual lives. Learn how to succeed in a fast like the prophet Daniel: discover why we fast, how to prepare, tips for success, and how to fast if you have health challenges.
Prayer-Filled Camp Meetings
Earnest prayer can transform a dying camp meeting into a vibrant, growing gathering. Learn how God revived camp meeting in the Central California Conference and how prayer can become the life-blood of your camp meeting too.
Start A Prayer Walking Ministry
Prayer-walking is one of the simplest ministries the church can do. Yet it is also one of the most powerful things we can do to impact our communities for Christ. Get all the tools you need to begin an effective prayer-walking ministry in your city or town.
Telling Miracle Stories
Miracles happen when God's people start praying. It's your job as a prayer leader to make sure those stories get told so others will be inspired to pray faith-filled prayers. Learn how to do it effectively.
Planning a Day of Prayer
A day of prayer is a wonderful way to draw together your community to seek God. Learn how to plan for a day of prayer, read about a small church that God threw into leading a day of prayer for their community, see sample schedules, and get an event planning checklist.
All-Night Prayer Meetings
Are you seeking a special empowerment of the Holy Spirit to equip your church for evangelism? The All-Night Prayer meeting is a wonderful way to get your whole congregation praying unitedly and powerfully.