Central California Conference's camp meeting was dying when Pastor Jerry Page and his wife Janet arrived. The camp meeting grounds were for sale and attendance was dropping.
All of that changed when a dedicated team of prayer warriors began praying earnestly for camp meeting and the conference. Camp meeting became a vibrant place of worship where lives were changed, people saw amazing answers to prayer and millions of dollars were donated to evangelism.
Read the amazing story of how God transformed CCC's camp meeting and learn practical ways that you can incorporate more prayer into your local camp meeting.
Awakening to a Power Greater - Jerry Page's first-hand account of how God transformed camp meeting and turned it into a place of healing and answered prayer that fueled growth and evangelism all across the conference.
A Camp Meeting Transformed - An inside peek at what a prayer-filled camp meeting is like.
Prayer at Campmeeting - Nine practical ways to rake prayer the heartbeat of camp meeting.
God's Plan Revealed Through Prayer - A short story showing how God revealed His plans for fundraising through prayer.