1. Indoor scavenger hunt. (Example clue: I have legs, and you can put things on me. Answer: A table.)
2. Outdoor scavenger hunt. (Send them to destinations such as the mailbox, a shed, etc.)
3. Do creative crafts. You can use glue to create decorative framed art, a candleholder, etc. You can also decorate a t-shirt or canvas bag. Websites such as Pinterest have great ideas.
4. Go to a museum.
5. Spend time at a park playing on the swings and slides. Kids need to spend time outdoors.
6. Roast marshmallows to make s’mores, or make some other treat over the fire.
7. Do Bible story charades. Let the children use things around the house to create the story. Bonus: you’ll find out what your kids know about the Bible.
8. Play board games.
9. Make cards to send to older people or someone who is sick.
10. Play flashlight tag at night.
11. Color in coloring books. As you spend time coloring with kids, they might talk and share what is happening in their lives.
12. Make cookies to share with church members and neighbors. Tie a scripture card to each package.
13. Read a Bible story for worship. Try changing details to see if the children are paying attention.
14. Fill a big bag with various items and let the kids choose one at a time. Then tell a Bible story related to the item (such as a stuffed animal, stick, or rock).