Who Am I? Wreath
Before you do the worship activities on these pages with your family, cut out shapes or find objects to make a cardboard wreath. Cut out two identical 12-inch (30-centimeter) circles from corrugated or stiff cardboard. Cut out a smaller circle
from the center of the circle to make a wreath shape with a border about 2 inches (5 centimeters) wide. Stick the two 12-inch circles of card together to make a strong wreath shape.
• Write or cut out the letters of your name and stick your name on the wreath.
• Cut out the different shapes or find the objects suggested in each activity. Stick them around the wreath to remind you how much God loves you! Add other shapes and bits and pieces to customize the wreath with your favorite colors.
I Am Handmade With Love
Read Psalm 139:13-18.
• Use whatever craft materials you have, or use some of the natural materials around you, to make a model of a person. God used clay to make the shape of Adam.
• What is it like to try to make something that looks like a human being? Fun? Difficult? Frustrating? Exciting? What challenges did you face as you tried to make a person? Whenever I try to make a person out of clay, I am very glad that God designed us so beautifully and we don’t look like my funny, lopsided models!
• Praise God together for creating us with such expert detail in every way. When you take time to make something special, you really treasure your creations, and God treasures you because you are handmade with love by Him.
• Stick a small photo or drawing of yourself onto your wreath.
I Am Beloved By God
Read Ephesians 3:14-19.
• God’s love is wider and longer and higher and deeper than you can ever imagine! It is as big as the universe, and that is bigger than we can ever begin to measure.
• Go outside to a dark place and look at the night sky together as a family. Try to count the stars. It’s impossible! Imagine that everything you can see, in every direction, and everything you can’t see is completely filled with God’s love for you. How does that make you feel? You are so beloved by God, and He will always love you this big!
• Imagine that the God who loves you this much sends you a postcard with a message of love on it. Find a blank postcard or cut a piece of white card to the same size. On one side draw a picture that reminds you how beloved you are by God, and on the other side write a message of love that God might write to you today.
• Make a small heart shape out of things you can find around your home. Decorate it to illustrate God’s love in some way. Stick this onto your wreath.
I Am Forgiven By God
Read Psalm 103.
• Talk in your family about what you might need to ask forgiveness for and maybe grant forgiveness for. Forgiveness helps everyone feel free and clean!
• Cut a heart out of white paper to show that God washes our hearts with His forgiveness and makes them white as snow. Stick this onto your wreath.
I Am Searched For By God
Read Luke 15:3-7 (the story of the lost sheep).
• Take turns hiding in your home or yard. Hide as carefully as you can and pretend you are a lost sheep and are too tired to bleat! Everyone should look for the person who is the lost sheep. Whenever a lost sheep is found, have a mini celebration! Perhaps enjoy a nice drink or a tiny treat or sing a happy song to celebrate finding the lost sheep.
• Remember that you are so special to God that He is willing to do whatever it takes to find you, even when you feel lost, and He always brings you back to safety. Finding you makes Him so happy He wants to celebrate in the best way possible!
• Cut out a cardboard sheep. Stick fluffy cotton wool onto it and draw its ears, eyes, and hooves. Stick this onto your wreath.
I Am Gifted By God
Read Romans 12:3-8.
• God has given special gifts to every single person who chooses to follow Jesus. He gives these gifts to us to help us show other people how much He loves them. Many of the gifts are things children can do to bless others and show them God’s love. Like encouraging people, serving, helping, being kind, and being generous with others.
• Even if you don’t have any money, you can be generous in your kindness, your gift of time, and your welcome of others.
• Cover a small box with plain paper and tie some yarn or ribbon around it. Write the name of each person in your family on a different side of the box. If you have more than six people in your family, use a larger box and divide some of the sides into two.
• Pass the box around and write each person’s gifts around their name. Tell them when you’ve seen them use their special gifts from God. Together hold the box as you all thank God for the gifts He has given each of you to bless your family.
• Cut out a cardboard shape of a small gift. Cover it with colored paper and tie some yarn or ribbon around it to make a bow. Write one of your gifts from God on the wrapping paper and stick it onto your wreath.
I Am A Prince Or Princess In His Kingdom
Read Romans 8:17.
• We are heirs of God, alongside Jesus! That makes us princes and princesses in the kingdom of God! You are princesses and princes right here and right now!
• What do you know about princes and princesses? What do they do? How do they live? How do they care for others? The best princes and princesses are very kind and polite to other people, and they do what they can
to support people who are struggling by working with charities and aid organizations.
• Go and dress up as if you are princes and princesses— even Mom and Dad can join in if they wish! Then eat a meal together and treat each other as if you are all in a royal family, because we are all in the royal family of God. How does being a prince or princess change how you see yourself and how you treat each other?
• Cut out a crown from gold cardstock or use white paper and color it yellow to make a beautiful crown. Write your name along the bottom edge of the crown and stick it onto your wreath.
I Am Precious To God
Read Matthew 13:45, 46.
• You might think you are only tiny, but to God you are superprecious! The most famous and greatest people on earth are no more precious to God than a newborn baby or a child like you.
• We often read the story of the man who sold everything to buy a pearl as if we need to be that man and give up everything we have. But we can also read the story as if God is the man and we are very precious like the pearl. He comes looking for us, digging for us, and when He finds us, He is willing to give up everything to save us!
• Find something in your house that is small and a bit like a pearl, such as a bead, a pearly button, a marble, or even a dry white bean.
• Find an old tray or large shallow box. Have an adult fill it with sand, compost, or dry soil, and then hide the “pearl” in the box so it can’t be seen.
• Take turns removing one spoonful of dirt out of the box and see if you can find the “pearl.” When you do, you must run and find some of your best toys or possessions and “sell” them to Mom or Dad to swap for the pearl. Your parent will tell you when you have enough things to swap for the value of the pearl. Don’t worry! They will give them right back to you after worship.
• You are so precious that Jesus swapped all of heaven to come to earth to find you and buy you with His sacrifice because He loves you so much!
• Cut a circle out of white cardstock or pearlized cardstock to make a large pearl to stick on your wreath. On the pearl write “I am precious to God!”
Finishing Your Wreath
Once you have stuck all your shapes onto your wreath, you may have some gaps around the circle. You can color in the gaps or fill them in with colored paper.