Shelley Bacon
Shelley Bacon, MA, is the distance learning coordinator for AdventistLIVE in the Upper Columbia Conference.
Usha Baidya
Usha Baidya is a pastors' wife in Bangladesh.
Aleta Bainbridge
Aleta Bainbridge is partners in ministry coordinator for greater Sydney Conference, working closely with her husband, Garth, who is the ministerial secretary. Born on a mission station in the Transkei, South Africa, and a graduate of Helderberg College, she moved to Australia in December 2007 when she married Garth. She is the mother of four and grandmother of eight. Her book, God Who? A Search for Identity, Mine and God’s, was a cry of her heart for spiritual meaning.
Evangeline D. Baldovino
Evangeline D. Baldovino is a retired public school teacher, and pastoral wife at Manila Central Church in the Phillipines.
Virgie Ponsaran Baloyo
Vergie is a pastor's wife in the Philippines. Mizpa, March-April 1994.
Juliana D. Balula
Juliana D. Balula is the wife of Pastor D. Balula of the Buhungukila District of the South Nyanza Conference in Mwanza, Tanzania
Helen Barker
Helen is a pastor's wife in the Iowa-Missouri Conference. Her husband, Merle, is retired from the Trust Services Department.
Jeff Barker
Jeff Barker is assistant professor of theater at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa.
Shephali Baroi
Shephali and her pastor husband have one son and one daughter. She is a teacher and enjoys counseling and sharing the good news.
Mary Barrett
MARY BARRETT works as an associate pastor at Stanborough Park Church in Watford, England. She is married to a pastor and has two grown-up daughters. Mary has authored 5 books, and when she gets time, she plans to write another one! Mary enjoys spending time with family and friends, walking, swimming, cross-stitching and gardening.
Nancy Bassham
Nancy Bassham was the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Asia Pacific Division for many years. She and her husband, Steve, served in Thailand. They now live in California. This article is based on a talk given at the 1990 General Conference Session.
Karen J. Batchelor
Karen J. Batchelor writes from California. This article appeared in the Northern California Conference Wifeline, July 1994. Since then she has experienced many more miracles that have strengthened her faith in God. And her ten-month-old son is now 22 years old. Used with permission
Marc and Phyllis Beaven
Marc and Phylls Beaven
Heidrun, Behnke
Heidrun Behnke is a registered nurse working for the Health Department of the government. Her husband is a pastor and Family Life Director in Germany. They have three sons and two daughters-in-law. Heidrun's main interest is the children's department of the Sabbath School and her hobbies are patchworking, gardening, reading, and traveling.
Hanna Beier
Hanna Beier writes from Rostock, Germany. She has a diploma in agriculture, dental assistant, and church social work. She is a pastor's wife and has four grown daughters. They are members of the Friedensau Seminary community. Hanna has lived in various East German states and worked at a variety of tasks including volunteering in child care, community social work, choir director, working with women, and kitchen helper. Translated by Minodora Kiesler.
Dan Bentzinger
Dan Bentzinger
Gloria Bentzinger
Gloria Bentzinger
Alice Bernard
Alice Bernard has worked as a nurse most of her life, and recently became a certified Child Development teacher. She coordinates a prayer group that prays every Friday night at 9 p.nt, through a calling partners system. Alice and her husband, Elder B. P. Bernard, have two daughters and one son. They have been blessed with eight grandchildren.
D.M. Bhebe
D. M. Bhebe and her husband live in western Zimbabwe, Africa where he is a pastor. They enjoy doing the Lord's work. They have three sons. D. M. is self-employed as a tax consultant.
Jacquie Biloff
Jacquie Biloff is a Commercial Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor and serves as Director of Operations at Mustang Air, Inc., in Palmer, Alaska. She met her husband Neil at Walla Wuila College and they have three adult children. Neil is pastor of the Palmer SDA Church.
Dorothy Biswas
Dorothy Biswas is the Shepherdess Coordinator at the Bangladesh Union Mission.
Delores Bius
Delores Bius with her granddaughter Suzanne Delores is the author of more than 2,100 articles and stories that have been published in the 31 years she has been writing. When she is not writing, she enjoys listening to classical music. Delores is also an avid reader of history, biography, humor, and the classics, and at the age of 75 still walks several miles every week
Marsha Schemmer Blake
Marsha Schemmer Blake is actively involved in her church, working with children, music and a nursing home ministry.
Lowell Bock
Lowell Bock, author, retired pastor, and retired General Conference vice president, looks back at a special time when Providence guided his life.
Dora Bognandi
Dora is the director of the Department of Religious Liberty, Public Affairs and Communications of the Italian Union. She has published several articles and coauthored many on religious liberty and in 1997 did a weekly radio chat for women.
Catherine Anthony Boldeau
Catherine Anthony Boldeau is an English lecturer, communication professional, freelance journalist, and accredited mediator and lives in London, England. She is the author of Too Proud to Beg, Too Dumb to Steal : Bible Stories for Grownups and is currently working on her new book These are a Few of My Favorite Sins: The Lies That Women Fall For. She is married to Dr. Des Boldeau and they have a teenage daughter, Arienne.
Ossana Bondar
Ossana Bondar was born 1970 in Kiev, Ukraine. Her grandfather was a preacher, who instilled in her a love for the ministry. in1991, she began studying theology at the Zaokski Seminary in Russia. Oxsana has one small daughter
Kathleen S. Bostrum
Kathleen S. Bostrom is copastor with her husband, Greg, at Wildwood Presbyterian Church, Wildwood. This article appeared in the November/ December 1993 issue of Horizons, the official publication of Presbyterian Women of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Carol Bovee
Carol Bovee is a wife, mother, teacher, cancer caregiver, writer, lover of music and nature, and child of the King who longs for heaven, where there will be joy in the presence of our Father! Used by permission from the devotional Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World edited by Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra. Published by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
Frances Bradley
This article appeared in Home Life, November 1992, (c) Copyright 1992, The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. All rights reserved. Used by permission.—Via Shepherdess International
Patricia Breithaupt
From Home Life, June 1992, Copyright 1992 The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. All rights reserved.
Ellen Bresee
Ellen Bresee (1928-1997) was co-founder of Shepherdess International.
Jill Briscoe
Jill Briscoe serves as executive editor of Just Between Us and has an active speaking and writing ministry that has taken her to many countries. For more than two decades, she and her husband Stuart have served at Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, where Stuart is senior pastor. Jill has written more than 40 books and currently serves on the board of directors for World Relief and Christianity Today, Inc. In 1994, she was named Layperson of the Year by the National Association of Evangelicals. A native of Liverpool, England, she has three children and eight grandchildren. Just Between Us, Winter 1995. Used with permission.
Phillips Brooks
Phillips Brooks (1835 - 1893) was an American author, poet and clergyman. lie is perhaps best remembered for his Christmas hymn, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem."
Diane Matthews Brown
Diane lives in West Des Moines, Iowa where she and her husband work in the Conference office. She is Women's Ministries Director and Conference Clerk and her husband, Walt, is president. Diane enjoys traveling and meeting the church members on weekends as Walt speaks in the various churches in the Iowa-Missouri Conference. Diane and Walt have a grandson who is two and is such a joy.
Debra Fulghum Bruce
Debra Fulghum Bruce is married to Rev. Robert G. Bruce, Senior Pastor at Ortega United Methodist Church, and they have three young adult children: Rob, Brittyne and Ashley. She is a professional writer with a B.A. in Communications, University of South Florida and specializes in marriage, family and health collaborations. She is a Contributing Editor for Christian Parenting Today and is on the Editorial Board for ParentLife magazine. When she is not writing, Deb loves gardening, music, her family and friends, and her summer cabin in North Carolina.
Carol Bruning
Carol Bruning is an educator employed by Jefferson Community College, teaching English courses, She is the author of over 100 articles. She is married to Chaplain (MAI) Frank Bruning, U.S. Army, who recently returned from the mission to Haiti. They have two children, Jonathan, 12, and Elizabeth,10. This article appeared Home Life, September 1994, Used with permission, —Via Shepherdess International
Jim Buchan
Jim Buchan and his wife, Mary, have three children and live in Columbus, Ohio. Jim serves as senior pastor of Christian Community Church East, one of the five related congregations in the Central Ohio area. Jim is also the founder and director of Focus Ministries, an outreach of encouragement and vision to pastors in all 50 states and over 70 foreign countries. —Via Shepherdess International
Chayedza Bundo
Chayedza has been working with her husband in the ministry for nine years. They have three children. Patience is eight, Daniel is six and Hope is two. Chayedza's hobbies include cooking vegetarian dishes, gardening and sewing.
Chayedza M. Bundo
Chayedza M. Bundo is a full-time housewife in Zimbabwe, Africa. She and her husband have been in the ministry for 18 years; they have three children. Chayedza’s hobbies are cooking, gardening, sewing, and witnessing.
Ann Burke
Ann Burke enjoys living in southern California, where the moon rises like a golden washtub over the hills, and pear trees blossom in winter with the first warm spell
Viorica Burlacu
Viorica Burlacu is a pastoral wife in Romania. Translated by Minodora Kiesler.
Cynthia Burrill
Cynthia Burrill was born to missionary parents in Bolivia, South America. She met her husband Russell at Union College in Nebraska. The Burills have ministered in Southern New England, Mountain View, Chesapeake, Kansas-Nebraska and Upper Columbia Conferences. Cynthia assisted in Russell's pastorate and in full-time evangelism. She has also worked as a printer, secretary, and elementary school teacher. In 1985 they moved to Chicago, Illinois, when Russell became the director of the North American Division Evangelism Institute. Cynthia became Coordinator of Women's Ministries, taught a Pastor's Spouse Class and Seminar Evangelism. The institute recently moved to Michigan where she continues her work.
Maria Buwa
Maria Buwa is a pastor's wife. She has been doing full-time team ministry with her husband for 18 years. They have three children-Mbulelo, Nwabisa and Ayanda. Presently they are facing the challenge of opening a new district at Humamdorp near Port Elizabeth, South Africa. She is also a coordinator for Women's Ministries in Southern Hope Conference Eastern Region, and a literature evagelist as well. Maria enjoys reading, preaching and teaching.