Anne Fargusson
Anne Fargusson is a retired nurse and lives in California with her husband, Ed, who is a minister working for the Northern California Conference in administration. They have identical twin boys, Joseph and Michael, who are attending college and aspiring to become physicians. She enjoys music and helping people.
Arnold Fine
Arnold Fine
Mark Finley
Mark Finley is assistant to the president of the General Conference of Seventh-day
Trafford Fischer
Dr. Trafford Fischer is director of the Adventist Institute of Family Relations and a member of the Discipleship Ministries Team (Family Specialty) for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific. He holds a D. Min. degree, as well as an M.A. in religion and an M.A. in family life education. He has worked in youth, pastoral, and chaplaincy ministry for 31 years and has a real interest in strengthening marriages and enriching families. He and his wife, Caryl, live in Bonnells Bay, NSW, Australia, and they have two adult children and four granddaughters.
Robert S. Folkenberg
Robert S. Folkenberg
Karina Fordham
Karina Fordham was a delightful woman and example of a true Christian. She served her church admirably as a pastor's wife. Karina is asleep in Jesus now but her infectious smile will be remembered by all those who knew her. This was one of her last editorials for Seasonings, the Georgia Cumberland Conference Shepherdess newsletter.
Felisha Francis-Miller
Felisha Francis-Miller is a member of the North Jamaica Conference in Jamaica.
Arlete Francisco
Arlete Francisco Leib worked 16 years as a teacher in the field of education in various cities in state of Silo Paulo, Brazil. During the last four years, she has accompanied her husband who is a worker in the field of education in the state of Mato Grosso. Currently, she is the secretary of IAMAT, Adventist Institute of Mato Grosso, which is in the initial stages of construction. Arlete has given seminars in the areas of family relationships, childhood education, and youth, Also, she has presented Weeks of Prayer
Pat Fretten
Pat Fretten is a pastor’s wife from New South Wales, Australia.
Pat Fretton
Pat Fretton is a pastor's wife living in Australia.
Kay Fuller
Kay Fuller and her husband, John, live in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where John is the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church. They have three children, ages 14, 12, and 10 whom they are crazy about. When Kay isn't at church, soccer games, or school 'activities, she keeps busy substitute teaching and writing. She loves to run, read and scrapbook. Kay's favorite verse is Jeremiah 32:17.
B.L. Funk
B.L. Funk
Roné Fürstenburg
Roné Fürstenburg writes from Kimberley, South Africa