Sally Lam-Phoon
Sally Lam-Phoon has been a Shepherdess for 40 years, working in partnership with her husband in church work at the mission and union levels. For 20 years, they served students and faculty as teachers and later administrators. Currently, they are working together in Family Ministries at the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. Sally also oversees the work of Children’s and Women’s Ministries and a unique leadership program in NSD called CLAP (Communication and Leadership Advancement Program).
Muriel Larson
Muriel Larson is a pastor's wife who has authored 17 Christian books, numerous articles, and 22 songs. She enjoys reading, gardening, camping, and traveling.
Scott Larson
Scott Larson is founder and director of Straight Ahead Ministries, a national organization focused on ministering to troubled teens.
Ingrid Lawrenz
Ingrid Lawrenz is a ministry wife in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Using her Masters in Social Work, Ingrid serves as a clinical social worker at New Life Resources, a Christian outpatient mental health clinic. She and her husband have two children. This article appeared in Just Between Us, Summer 1995.
Lynelle Laws
Lynelle Laws is a pastor's wife and new mother to Kayla, a one-year-old. She and her husband, Phil, minister in Queensland, Australia. She loves to help him in his work and use her writing skills to plan creative programs in their church worship.
Ermine Leader
Ermine and her pastor husband, Charles, have been married for 22 years. They have three daughters. Ermine has a Ph.D. in psychology, She is a registered psychologist and currently works at York University, Toronto. She also has a small private practice. A major part of her ministry is to listen to people share their struggles and help them sort out their options. She currently serves as Chair to the Toronto District School System. Ermine's interests include cooking, traveling and Pathfindering. She presents workshops and seminars on matters pertaining to Family Life, Women's Ministries and Children's Ministries.
Otis Ledbetter
Otis Ledbetter is senior pastor of Chestnut Baptist Church in Clovis, California and chairman of the board of Heritage Builders Association. His other books include Your Heritage, Family Fragrance and Family Traditions.
Marlene LeFever
Marlene LeFever is Director of Church Relations for Cook Communication Ministries. She and her husband Jack live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Edith Lefume
Edith and her husband, Pastor Lefume, work in South Africa in the Southern Hope Conference. Their family includes a daughter, Palesa. Edith enjoys helping her husband spread the Gospel. She also finds reading spiritual books, cooking and singing a pleasure
Paul Lewis
Paul Lewis is the editor of Dads Only newsletter and lives with his family in Julian, California.
Kathie Lichtenwalter
Kathie Lichtenwalter, M.A. in Islamic Studies, writes from Beirut, Lebanon, where she serves as liaison to the ministerial spouses of the Middle East & North Africa Union. She and her husband, Larry, who is dean of the School of Philosophy and Theology at Middle East University, are immersed in the spiritually engaging mission of expressing God’s love in fragile times to both their Christian and non-Christian friends.
Karen Linderman
Karen was born in Montana and has lived there all her life. She has 3 children and four "great"grandchildren. She enjoys public speaking, freelance writing, oil painting, decorating and interior design as well as solitude in the "wonderful world of nature."
H.B. London
H.B. London, Jr. is Vice President of Ministry Outreach/Pastoral Ministries for Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a fourth-generation minister and has pastored for 31 years. He has co-authored several books including Pastors At Risk and Married to a Pastor's Wife. H. B. and his wife, Beverley, have two married sons and four grandchildren.
Kerrie Long
Kerrie Long (nee Tolhurst) writes to us from Newcastle, Australia. Her husband, Warrick Long, is the Associate Secretary-Treasurer for the North New South Wales Conference.
Navelle Love
Navelle is a pastor's wife in New South Wales, Australia, where her husband pastors two churches: Wodonga English and Wodonga Slavic, both in Victoria. They have two boys, ages 8 and 10. She is a teacher but hasn't worked since the children came so spends full-time being mum and wife. Her hobbies are art and music. As a family, they love the outdoor sports, swimming, bike riding and roller blading.
Aretta Loving
Aretta Loving and her husband, Ed, members of Wycliffe Bible Translators, work with the Awa people of the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. They, and a group of Awa men and women, are working on the revision of the Awa New Testament, first published in 1974. The Lovings are training three Awa men as literacy supervisors. These men in turn have trained teachers who are now teaching others to read the Awa New Testament. The Lovings have two grown daughters who were born in PNG. One daughter lives in North Carolina, with her husband and three boys. The other daughter lives with her husband and two daughters in the Philippines.
Shelly Lowe
Shelly Lowe is the editorial assistant for Shepherdess International at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Silver Spring, Maryland. She loves to spend time with her niece and nephew. She also enjoys time with family, reading, music, and working with children.
Max Lucado
Max Lucado
Naty Luintino
Naty is a pastor's wife in the South American Division.