Margaret Nathaniel
Margaret Nathaniel is the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Southern Asia Division. Used with permission.
Neil Nedley
Neil Nedley, M.D., is president of Weimar Center of Health and Education near Sacramento, California. His books include Depression: The Way Out; Proof Positive: How to Reliably Combat Disease and Achieve Optimal Health Through Nutrition and Lifestyle; and his latest book, The Lost Art of Thinking. His Web site is
Joyce Neergaard
Joyce Neergaard is a registered nurse working with Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Middle East Region as Assistant for Project Development, She also serves as Shepherdess Coordinator of the Middle East Union. She enjoys leading Bible studies with teenagers, presenting health promotion seminars to the community, and singing. This article appeared in the Shepherdess Newsletter of the Middle East, Third Quarter 1994, Used with permission.
Gloria Neidigh
Gloria Neidigh is a pastor's wife living in Tillamook, Oregon. She lives in a beautiful country setting by the bay. Gloria enjoys all kinds of weather and she enjoys writing as she listens to the rain pelt her window panes.
Shirlee Neisner
Shirlee lives in Hong Kong. She is currently homeschooling her three children and also works as a nurse in Obstetrics, Labor & Delibel), and Nursery. Her hobbies include studying Cantonese. She is the leader in the junior division at her church. Mainly she just loves being with people.
Vilma P Nepomuceno
Vilma is Shepherdess president of the Central Luzon Conference in the Philippines.—Via Shepherdess International
Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse
Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse
Karen Nicola
Karen Nicola and her husband, Steve, each found their own way through the darkness when they lost their young son, Dawson, to leukemia at age 3. They discovered that God was with them through grief—and healing. Their book, Comfort for the Day, offers a personalized grief recovery experience, bringing real help for really hurting people. This article was excerpted from Karen’s blog on on September 5, 2017.
Cynthia Niemeyer
Cynthia Niemeyer
Teodora Nikolova
Teodora Nikolova has been a minister's wife for .r2 years. They have two children: their 11-year-old son, Angel, and 3-year-old daughter, Maria Verginia. Teodora is responsible for the Bulgarian issue of the Shepherdess called Hand in Hand, which comes out quarterly. She is also part of the children's ministry team
Thelma Norman
Thelma Norman
Agnes Nzioka
Agnes Nzioka is a pastoral wife in the Central Kenya Conference.