Sylvia Occhipinti
Sylvia Occhipinti Byes in New Jersey where she enjoys writing poetry and and sharing it with friends and family.
Jackie Oesch
Jackie is the originator and president of Christian Women's Ministries, and has been instrumental in the development and implementation of Women's Ministries as an organizational model. She presently serves as director of Women's Ministries at St. John's Lutheran Church in Orange, California, where she lives with her husband and four children. This article appeared in Just Between Us, Winter 1993. Used with permission. —Via Shepherdess International
Gary J. Oliver
Gary J. Oliver
Evelyn Omana
Evelyn Omana is a SIEMA Coordinator for the Inter-American Division.
Liliana Orac
Liliana Orac is a pastor’s wife serving in the Republic of Moldova (former Soviet Union) and a native of Romania.
Norma Osborn
Norma Osborn is the associate pastor of Children's Ministries at Sligo church. Her husband, Richard, is the vice-president for education at the North American Division. Previously Norma has been an elementary teacher in both Adventist and Public schools, and a reading specialist, in grades K-12. She has worked in Sabbath Schools for many years, and has authored a Home Study course in Teaching of Reading. Interests include reading, sewing and quilting. Norma and Richard have two children, Heather, and Trevan.
Judy Osborne
Judy Osborne lives in Sacramento, California, where her husband Dave is senior pastor of the Carmichael Church. Their son, David, is a freshman at La Sierra University. The focus of her involvement with her husband's ministry is the Carmichael Church lobby—a one-on-one nurturing of members and guests, making them feel important and welcome. Judy is an interior designer and also assistant professor in the interior design department at Pacific Union College. She has taught at Loma Linda University and Atlantic Union College.
Hannele Ottschofski
Hannele Ottschofski is editor of the TEAM newsletter for pastoral spouses in the Baden-Württemberg Conference. A native Finn, she has lived in Sweden, England, France, Africa, and Germany. She has four daughters who are still able to laugh about life in the parsonage. Hannele loves music and books.