Editor's Musings

Editor's Musings

Opening thoughts from the editor's desk.

Sharon Cress is editor of the Journal.

Our little Yorkshire Terrier, Dexter, is 12 years old. In doggie or people years, that is a significant tenure. In the last few months we have noticed that his short-term memory seems to be suffering to the extent that he forgets where we are in the house, and then whimpers because he thinks we have left him alone. Our veteranarian calls it "doggie alzheimers" and has assured us it probably won't get worse, but we can plan on the malady continuing.

Dexter's panic is also hurtful to Jim and me. He may be sitting on his little ledge in the kitchen looking out the window and forget that I am cooking behind the counter. Suddenly, he jumps off and goes running around to another room crying and looking for me. Or, he will forget that I am in the laundry room folding clothes, and mournfully cry as he looks down the stairs wondering where I am. Because he can't physically see me, he thinks he is alone. Our reassurance to him seems to last only a few minutes.

Through Dexter's canine wisdom he has taught me many lessons, but perhaps this current one is the most valuable. How many times have I thought God left me or had forgotten about me just because at that very moment I didn't see Him. Perhaps He has manifested Himself in a wonderful way just days or hours before, but suddenly in my "short-term memory" I forget how He has led me in the past and feel alone and left behind. I can't "see" Him and suddenly I panic, thinking He has forgotten me—left me alone. My short-term memory is worse than Dexter's. I forget the Bible promises for me that are woven throughout the scriptures. And, in my fretting, I probably hurt God, too. Patiently all over again He tries to reassure me that He is always there.

It is my prayer for all of us ministry wives that we learn a little from the animal kingdom and remember how much our Father in Heaven loves each of us.
