Editor's Note: See the PDF (p.30) for the accompanying pictures:
East-Central Africa Division
In November 2013, pastors’ wives from all over Kenya met for a congress. About 90 percent of the spouses in Kenya attended, and each paid for their own travel, participation fees, and uniforms. Those who did not attend were mostly teachers, since the congress coincided with national exams. They thank God for the many topics presented.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division
East Central India Union
East Central Korean Conference (ECKC) held pastoral spouse meetings in October 2013 at the Jeong-Dong Jin Sun Cruise. Pastors and spouses had separate meetings reviewing the year’s activities and praising God for their blessings during 2013. Many attendees said they feel happier since the spouses’ group was formed.
ECKC also had a two-day program for ministry spouses called “Happy Walk Together” in November 2013. One day the group enjoyed dinner and a thanksgiving worship. The next day they heard a sermon of encouragement and blessing for the spouses. All attendees returned home spiritually recharged and revived.
Pastoral spouses in ECKC held an evangelistic series in November 2013 at the Senior Medical Center in Dong Hae City. Many attendees had illnesses that made movement difficult, but seven people chose to be baptized. Some of the staff were also interested and want to continue studying the Bible. This made the meetings even more meaningful.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
In February 2014, pastors’ wives met on the island of Sao Tomé. Pray for those serving here, as they deal with teenage pregnancies, corruption, abuse, and drugs. There is also the great challenge of finding finances to send young people to college. In February 2014, SID held a pastors’ kids (PAKIA) convention in Botswana. It was a wonderful gathering.
Southern Asia Division
In April 2013, a Shepherdess training program was held in Lasalgaon, Maharashtra, in the Western India Union. Thirty-five ladies attended presentations and devotionals, as well as learning practical skills such as making communion bread in an iron pan.
This same training program was held again for 125 ladies from Southeast India Union in Kudikadu, Tamil Nadu.
Annual Council
During the 2013 Annual Council meetings held at the General Conference world headquarters, administrators’ wives met for meetings with Cheri Peters. She shared her personal story of drug abuse and coming to know Jesus. Cheri shared information on how to start a ministry in local churches to help those in the same situation. Many were blessed by her story.