Tips to Thrive

To avoid those creeping feelings of loneliness, jealousy, and simply missing your husband because he seems to be gone all the time, go with him.


To avoid those creeping feelings of loneliness, jealousy, and simply missing your husband because he seems to be gone all the time, go with him. This may not always be possible or even appropriate, but you might be surprised how often you could go with your spouse as he visits church members in their homes or in the hospital, gives Bible studies, leads out in prayer meeting, and attends various programs at your church and/or church school. This may sound especially hard for young mothers, but if evenings don’t work, how about Sabbath afternoons?

Going with your husband is much more than just being a tag-along. You can be a great blessing as you seek to love those to whom your husband is ministering. Simply making conversation, seeking to encourage and love the people, will meet a need that your husband is unable to fulfill.

You will also find yourself developing more personal relationships with your church members and genuinely enjoying your time with them.

Uniting with your husband will increase both your and your husband’s effectiveness in ministry. Your husband will appreciate your interest in his work, and the time together will also grow your relationship. And don’t forget—as you invest in God’s work, you will be blessed in your own walk with God!

Have a survival tip that someone shared with you once upon a time, or that you have learned along the way? Send it in to share here at: [email protected]