"What shall I return to the Lord for His bounty to me?" Psalm 116:2
This verse seems to accurately express my current feelings.
All of us will experience some sort of frustration when we encounter something that is unexpected. When I look back to my past, I can recall those times of trials more than those times of joy. However, I can now see that my experiences did not always turn out to be negative ones. Through such experiences, God taught me how to pray and He also let me discover my weaknesses. The trials I have experienced in Japan have helped me to grow as a person.
When I first moved to Japan, I could not speak Japanese. Communicating was very stressful. Now I can speak well enough so I no longer am inconvenienced by the language barrier. Though I was frustrated at first, I can now proudly speak another language.
My family did struggle with some Sabbath problems when my eldest was attending the Tokyo International High School. It seemed there was no solution to our Sabbath dilemma. God, however, heard our prayers and He provided a way for her to attend Andrews University. But tuition presented a problem_ made no money being a partner in the ministry with my husband and our church was still young and weak. The burden on my family was intense. But through God's guidance, the church became stable and the members found great joy in helping us send our children to Adventist schools.
During my years in japan, I have learned to lean on the Lord. I have realized that my prayers will be answered as God sees fit and in His own time. I have learned to be thankful even in hard times, for in those hard times, great learning takes place.
I live in a foreign country but I am no longer lonely. Though I have not had many opportunities to deepen my relationships with many pastors' wives, I am so grateful for those friendships I have made I have been blessed with a wonderful family and the love of a gracious God.
I praise God for His support and I thank the conference for supporting my family and my church. The vision to build a church and continue on with God's ministries is a vision that looms large. I know God will guide our church in this mission.
I have a great desire to learn more about the word of God and I feel a great need to share the Gospel with others. I have realized that God's blessings are abundant in our lives. We only have to look and we will clearly see the wonderful bounty He gives us all.