* Derilla Marak reported on the Adult Literacy Project in Garo. One attendee brought her husband to the church as well and he was baptized. They are already witnessing to others in their village. The group is working
* Jean Sundaram, Shepherdess Coordinator for South Tamil Conference, reported that nearly 55 shepherdesses attended meetings held in Chettimedu. There were seminars on team ministry and money management. Many rededicated their lives to God at the close of the meetings.
Nellore hosted the first-ever Shepherdess meetings from Southeast Andhra and South Rayalaseema Regions from July 17-19. Thirty-five ministerial workers' wives attended the combined Shepherdess meetings. Hepzibah Kore, the Division Shepherdess Coordinator, presented the seminars and led in the discussions while Vinodhini John, the Union Coordinator, assisted in the translations.
The topics presented were "New Life for the Pastor's Wife," "The Role of Shepherdess," "The Art of Giving Bible Studies," "Organizing Small Group Ministries," "Different Types of Evangelism," "The Importance of Women's Ministries," "How to Interact with Women in the Community," and "The Virtuous Woman."
Vinodhini John spoke to delegates and the believers at the vespers meeting on the topic "Fill My Cup Lord." The Sabbath School, including the lesson study and other Sabbath services, were led by the delegates. Hepzibah Kore shared God's Word during the divine service. The message was based on fervent prayer. Everyone responded to the altar call given by the speaker, and special dedicatory prayer was offered by Pastor Wilbert, Southeast Andhra Region Director.
The financial self-support was noteworthy in conducting these meetings. Vinodhini John congratulates Pastor Wilbert and Pastor Jesudas, the Region Directors, and appeals for similar enterprise in other regions and sections to strengthen the ministry in the Central India Union. See photographs:
* Nearly 30 shepherdesses benefited from a Shepherdess meeting at Ibrahimpatnam July 21-23 which was organized by Rukma Jesurathnam, South Andhra Section Shepherdess Coordinator. The shepherdesses enjoyed group discussion and searching the scriptures. They also rededicated their lives to serve the Lord faithfully and fruitfully.
Goa-West Karnataka Section reports that in 2003 Mrs. Esther Nazareth prepared 15 souls for baptism in Thigadolli, and Mrs. Nirmala Arthur prepared 12 souls in Kanadal for baptism.
* The South Karnataka Section has 16 shepherdesses working in schools, staying at home, involving themselves in branch Sabbath School, VBS, and visiting.
North Karnataka Section
* Mrs. Annpurna assisted Pastor Mark Sharma in meetings held at Holabellary and Kattithugoan. She gave Bible studies to 10 families which resulted in 12 souls for the year.
* In Sanjya, Nagar, and Kalebough villages, Mrs. Mary Solomon assisted Pastor Solomon in meetings. She won 11 souls for God's kingdom.
* Mrs. Indira assisted Pastor Raju in the meetings held in Honnattigi and Poothipalli. Bible studies resulted in six souls.
Bangalore Metro Region
* Mrs. Aliyamma Jacob helped give Bible studies to a Muslim family, and they have accepted Christ secretly. Her influence has also won two souls.
* Mrs. Karuna Subhakar Rao is caring for two congregations in Siddapura and Bakshi Garden. She is giving Bible studies and has won 16 people to the Lord.
* Mrs. Bharathi Thompson is rendering full-time gospel ministry and caring for two churches at Summanahalli and H. B. Colony. She has won 18 souls.
* Mrs. Clara Thavasekaran in Rajivgandhinagar influenced a Hindu family to accept Christ.
* In the North Rayalaseema Region in April 2004, shepherdesses conducted a children's Sabbath School by teaching small choruses, stories, and memory verses. They also had a revival meeting that evening. Many people requested prayer for their spiritual needs.
* In the Jharkhand Bihar Section, Mrs. Phulti reports that she visited a village called sinjuri. One of the family members was possessed by an evil spirit. After much prayer, the family is not troubled by evil spirits anymore.