Editor's note: See the PDF for the accompanying pictures (p. 29):
North Asia-Pacific Division
For ministry spouses, days are often crowded with meeting the needs of others—spouses, children, church members, and, in some cases, work colleagues. The Mental Fitness Program, designed for pastoral spouses by the Ministerial Association, opens the door to living in health, contentment, and grace. Spouses learn ways to handle frustration, discouragement, and feelings of failure using biblical principles and practical solutions. They learn to embrace their value, to accept God’s grace, to respect and care for themselves, and to meet the needs of their families, church members, and communities. outh American Division Enthusiastic pastoral spouses participate in a House of Prayer evangelism seminar in the West Central Brazil Union. Two attendees received prayer quilts as gifts during the seminar. Pastoral spouses attended a House of Prayer evangelism seminar in West Central Brazil Union. Derek Morris, editor of Ministry and associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association, spoke about the powerful ministry of united prayer. Dr. Morris shared how united prayer can erase obstacles and challenges and allow miracles to happen. Spouses left with a fresh and inspired understanding of how prayer forms an essential part of evangelism. Watch for the soon release of this 10-part DVD series on our website: www.ministerialassociation.org/ spouses. outh American Division Enthusiastic pastoral spouses participate in a House of Prayer evangelism seminar in the West Central Brazil Union. Two attendees received prayer quilts as gifts during the seminar.
Pastoral spouses attended a House of Prayer evangelism seminar in West Central Brazil Union. Derek Morris, editor of Ministry and associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association, spoke about the powerful ministry of united prayer. Dr. Morris shared how united prayer can erase obstacles and challenges and allow miracles to happen. Spouses left with a fresh and inspired understanding of how prayer forms an essential part of evangelism.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
A Pakia convention (for pastors’ kids) was held in May 2015 in Benguela, Angola. Justino Paulo, Pakia director, reports that more than 520 PKs (pastors’ kids) attended the “Saved to Serve” event. Many PKs came forward to commit their lives to God. Others stood to request baptism. Leaders praise God for the young people who chose to give their lives to the Savior.
In February and March 2015, the union Shepherdess director led training seminars for pastors’ spouses in various cities of Pakistan. The goal was to increase awareness of the value that pastoral spouses bring to the church. Fifteen pastors, spouses, and local leaders participated, affirming the unique spiritual gifts of spouses and highlighting the powerful impact of good discipleship on themselves, their families, and children.
Also in Pakistan, pastoral spouses and women’s leaders from local churches were encouraged to teach others. As a result, they experienced revival and reformation in their own lives and the dramatic results of sharing joy with others. More than sixty people participated.
GC Session
During the 2015 GC Session in San Antonio, Texas, division Shepherdess leaders enjoyed a meal together and shared news of the past five years. Praise, prayer, and fellowship filled these world leaders with a passion to support and empower others.