Ellen White on Prayer
Prayer - Compilation of Ellen White's most familiar and treasured statements on prayer as well as many that are less known. Also available online.
Power of Prayer - This compilation of Ellen White's writings includes some passages not included elsewhere.
Christ's Object Lessons, "Asking to Give," p. 139-149. Also available online.
Education, "Faith and Prayer," p. 256-261. Also available online.
In Heavenly Places, March 1-31, p. 67-97. Also available online.
Mount of Blessings, p. 86-87. Also available online.
Steps to Christ, "The Privilege of Prayer," p. 63-71. Also available online.
Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 4. “The Servants of God,” p. 528-535. Also available online.
Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White. “Prayer & Faith,” p. 126-127. Also available online.
Books on Prayer and Intercession
ABC's of Bible Prayer (by Glenn Coon) - The principles of asking, believing, and claiming are illustrated in 12 sermons, liberally illustrated with case histories.
Adventism's Greatest Need (by Ron Clouzet) - Through miraculous present-day stories, and enlightening explanations of Scripture, Dr. Clouzet unveils the mystery of the indwelling Spirit. He reveals that the Holy Spirit longs to re-make us into God's image, bringing full circle the process of mankind's restoration.
Christ's Way to Pray (by Philip Samaan) - Christ's Way to Pray explains that the answer is not found in focusing on our own prayers or the prayers of others. The real answer is found in joining our weak prayers with Christ's mighty prayers.
If My People Pray (by Randy Maxwell) - What would happen in our homes, churches, and communities if we followed God's counsel in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to humble ourselves and pray? This book shows how to experience prayer as a relationship, power, and the key to revival.
Closing Prayers: Facing the Final Crisis on our Knees (by Randy Maxwell) - How should Christians pray in the last hours of the earth’s history? The final crisis we must be most concerned about is the crisis of self and surrender to the Holy Spirit. God is looking for ordinary men and women who will pray the right prayer at the right time in the right way for the right reason.
Revive Us Again (by Mark Finley) - A simple book that leads the reader through God’s Word and the writings of Ellen G. White to life-changing spiritual principles. Also available in Spanish.
10 Days in the Upper Room (by Mark Finley) - Discover how to live daily in the power of the Spirit and explore the preparation necessary to receive Holy Spirit power in all it's fullness. Learn how Pentecost can make a dramatic difference in your life today.
When We Pray for Others (by Carol Shewmake) - Drawing from her personal experience the author helps you begin an intercessory prayer ministry and shows how it can bring you greater joy, blessings, and closeness to God.
Pressing Into His Presence: Developing an Intimate Relationship With Christ Through Prayer - (by Shelley Quinn) Do you long to hear the still, small voice of the Lord answer you when you pray? Author and 3ABN speaker Shelley Quinn shares scriptural advice on the meaning of surrender and practical strategies for gaining an intimate, two-way relationship with the Lord.
30 Days to More Powerful Intercessory Prayer (by Joe Engelkemier) - Inspiration and prayer strategies to help you join the growing band of intercessors who are making a real difference in this world for eternity--on their knees!
In the Spirit and Power (by Pavel Goia) - Riveting adventure stories of trust, prayer, and obedience that will inspire you with practical life-changing insights.
Daring to Ask for More (by Melody Mason) - If you are looking for keys to answered prayer or success in ministry, or if you are tired of just getting by spiritually and long for more in your walk with God, Daring to Ask for More will challenge you to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are within your grasp if you will only pray in faith.
Daring to Live By Every Word (by Melody Mason) - Discover the fundamental religion of Christ: unapologetic, devoted, and committed to a glorious ideal as you rediscover the beauty of God's Word and what it means to love and worship the Living Word, the One who created, rescued, and redeemed us.
Incredible Answers to Prayer (by Roger Morneau) - Thrilling stories of God's answers to the intercessory prayers of one man. More Incredible Answers to Prayer is also excellent.
When You Need Incredible Answers to Prayer (by Roger Morneau) - Learn the principles that powered Roger Morneau's prayer life so that you, too, can be an effective intercessor.
The Answer is Prayer (by Morris Venden) - Venden presents the magnificence of God in a way that has seldom been understood before and shares practical suggestions on how to make prayer work in daily life.
40 Days of Prayer (by Dennis Smith) - This series of devotionals provides a wonderful way to bring your church family together in earnest devotion and intercessory prayer for the lost.
E.M. Bounds on Prayer (by E.M. Bounds) - God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. This book (really seven volumes in one) reveals these principles and illustrates how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times.
Prevailing Prayer (by D.L. Moody) - Why do some prayers move mountains and others, barely stones? In Prevailing Prayer, one of the greatest evangelists of all time explains the elements of biblical, powerful prayer. A treasure trove of stories and illustrations, it will renew your desire to pray and guide you in best practices. Also available as a PDF download.
The Circle Marker (by Mark Batterson) - An inspiring, practical book on praying prayers that are in accordance with God's will and bring lasting results. Filled with modern-day stories of transformation as a result of prayer. Downloadable worksheet available here.
Books on Prayer Ministry
In the Name of Jesus: Power to Pray for People and Places (by Ron Clouzet) - Learn about prayer walking, the most effective evangelism strategy for reaching big cities, small towns, neighborhoods, and loved ones.
Putting Their Hands in His: Teaching Children How to Pray (by Ruthie Jacobsen) - This resource for parents, teachers, and leaders is filled with hundreds of ideas for teaching children how to develop a personal prayer life. It includes songs, poems, stories, and family worship ideas.
My House Shall Be a House of Prayer (by Jonathan Graf and Lani Hinkle) - This short book explains in a powerful and practical way what a church saturated with prayer looks like. Through stories and step-by-step instruction, learn how to develop a prayer strategy, prioritize steps for shifting the focus to prayer, set up a prayer room, and more.
The Praying Church Sourcebook (by Alvin Vander Griend) - A complete guide for churches that want to focus on prayer. It contains ideas, helps, and tips for pastors, individuals, and your whole church.
The Praying Church Idea Book (by Douglas Kamsta) - A companion to the popular Praying Church Sourcebook, this resource includes dozens of prayer strategies that can work in your church. Also includes sample worship services, retreat plans, and a comprehensive list of prayer initiatives.
The Big Four: Secrets to a Thriving Church Family (by Joseph Kidder) - Explore four key secrets that not only made the early church a success but also will also produce thriving Seventh-day Adventist churches that are rapidly growing the kingdom of heaven.
Partners in Prayer (by John Maxwell) - This book shows church leaders and laypeople how to unleash the potential of prayer on behalf of themselves, one another, and the church.
Bring Back the Glory (by Randy Maxwell) - All over the world, believers are beginning to cry out to God for revival--for a return of His glory into their lives, churches, and communities. Are you among them? Is the latter rain about to fall?
When We Pray for Others (by Carol Shewmake) - Drawing from her personal experience the author helps you begin an intercessory prayer ministry and shows how it can bring you greater joy, blessings, and closeness to God.
And the Place Was Shaken: How to Lead a Powerful Prayer Meeting (by John Franklin) - Learn why corporate prayer matters and how to lead it effectively.
The Prayer Saturated Church: A Comprehensive Manual for Prayer Leaders (by Cheryl Sacks) - Provides step-by-step, practical help for mobilizing, organizing, and motivating believers to make their church a house of prayer.
Additional resources may be found at the Adventist Book Center and at RevivalandReformation.org.