These PowerPoint presentations have been prepared to teach people about the value of prayer and how to pray more effectively. Most of them include speaker notes. Those that do not are straight-forward and easy to understand. Prayerfully study each presentation before giving it, and ask God to help you know what personal stories of answered prayer you should share to illustrate the different points of the presentations.
Note: PDF versions do not have presenter's notes.
The Function of Prayer in Evangelism - Showcases the need for prayer in evangelism and explains the All-Night Prayer meeting. Includes many powerful Ellen White quotes on prayer and evangelism. Speaker notes included. Created by Pastor Jansen and Dr. Gloria Trotman. PDF version.
Poured Out: Principles of Intercession - Presents the value of intercessory prayer based on the story of the widow and her jars of oil that God miraculously filled (2 Kings 4). It is designed to prepare a church for a prayer challenge, but it can also be used to teach principles of intercessory prayer. Speaker notes included. Created by Shenalyn Page. PDF version.
Praying for Your Church - Why prayer matters and how to pray effectively for your church. Covers the basic elements of prayer and God's calling to each of us to become intercessors for our church and community. Speaker notes included. Created by Shenalyn Page. PDF version.
Acquiring the Skill of Prayer - Simple presentation on the difficulties often encountered in prayer, along with Biblical guidance on how to gain the skill of effective prayer. Does not include speaker notes, but has a handout. Created by Pastor Kevin Wilfley. PDF version.
Assurance and Prayer - It is very difficult to pray with confidence if you are unsure of your salvation. This excellent presentation helps people understand that their salvation is sure in Jesus so they can begin to pray with faith. Includes speaker notes. Created by Pastor Kevin Wilfley. PDF version.
Unlocking Heaven's Storehouse - Teach people the keys to answered prayer in this short presentation. Bible and Ellen White quotes form the basis for you to build on with your own stories of answered prayer. Does not include speaker notes. Created by Pastor Kevin Wilfley. PDF version.
The Power of Intercessory Prayer—This simple presentation from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy shows the value of intercessory prayer. It does not include speaker notes. Created by Pastor Kevin Wilfley. PDF version.
Prayer & Bible Study - Excellent presentation on how to lead an effective Bible study and prayer group. Created by Karen Martell. Includes speaker's notes. PDF version. Also available in French (French PDF).
Prayers of Blessing - God isn't the only one who gives blessings. We are also called to bless those around us. This presentation demonstrates the power of blessing and teaches how to bless others in God's name. Includes a helpful handout and speaker's notes. Created by Karen Martell. PDF version. Also available in French (French PDF).
HELP Missional Praying - Have you ever prayed for someone that you just met? It can be a wonderful way to point them to God and show them you truly care. This presentation takes you through the H.E.L.P. acronym as a way to connect with people through missional prayer. Does not include presenters' notes. PDF version.
Pastoral Spouses Prayer Seminar - A practical, interactive workshop for pastoral spouses that will help them see how God is working in their lives while learning how to pray more effectively. Includes speaker notes. Created by Karen Martell, a long-time prayer warrior and pastor's wife. PDF Version.
Intercession, The Power of We - What happens when God's people begin to pray earnestly together? This presentation will help people begin to understand the incredible power of God that is released when His people begin to pray together. Includes a few speaker's notes. Created by Karen Martell. PDF Version. Also available in French (PowerPoint and PDF).
God is in the Details - A practical seminar on the three types of churches--Prayer-less, Prayer Ministry, and House of Prayer. It is also filled with ideas for numerous ideas for making prayer central to every part of church life. Very few speaker's notes. Created by Karen Martell. PDF Version. Includes two handouts: Is My Church a Praying Church? and Practical Steps to Becoming A House of Prayer.
The Power of Listening - Our heroes in the Bible knew when God spoke to them. Do we? This seminar explains how God spoke in Bible times and helps people learn how to listen to God's voice now through Bible study, prayer, and meditation on God's Word. Created by Karen and Lynn Martell. It does not include speaker notes, but is easy to follow. PDF version.
Prayer for Healing & Forgiveness - An excellent PowerPoint presentation on the ways God heals and how He uses forgiveness to heal relationships. Does not include speaker notes, but is easy to follow. Created by Karen & Lynn Martell. PDF Version.