Amy R. Hagerup
Amy R. Hagerup and her husband are church-planting missionaries with SIM in Ghana, Africa. Their 76 years of service there have been instrumental in planting several area churches. The inspiration for this article came from the three Hagerup children. They have recently adopted a Ghanaian baby.
Malinda Haley
Malinda Haley is a pastor’s wife, mother to three grown children, a maternal/infant nurse, and, above all, God’s servant. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband, Steve, who is president of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference.
John Waller Halliday
John Waller Halliday
Beth Halverson
Beth "Buffy" is a ministerial assistant in charge of women's ministries at her church in Keene, Texas. She and her pastor husband have two children Ronnie and Stephanie. Buffy's favorite things are her family, friends, reading and learning.
Carol Hamilton
Carol Hamilton and her husband have four young adult children. They live on a farm she likes to call “The Neverdull.” She is a past president of David’s Christian Writers’ Association, and her work has been published in several magazines. This article originally appeared in Women Alive!
Marsha Hammond-Brummel
Marsha Hammond-Brummel is a teacher, pastor’s wife, and Bible study coordinator from Leavenworth, Kansas. Despite thefollowing experience, she is really quite fond of dogs and is the proud owner of Molly, a purebred Cocker Spaniel that she raised from a two-week-old pup.
Elizabeth Handford
Elizabeth Handford (Libby) has made family one of the top priorities in her life. She and her husband, Dr. Walter Handford, have retired in South Carolina where they work in the ministry of encouragement, especially to men and women in ministry. Libby has edited the magazine Joyful Woman and is now consulting editor. She has also authored several books. Libby enjoys flying and earned her pilot's license after the age of 50.
Allan R. Handysides
Allan R. Handysides, M.B., Ch.B., FRCPC, FRCSC, FACOG, is the director of the General Conference of Health Ministries Department.
Elaine Hardt
Elaine and her husband Don have 2 grown sons and 2 teenage grandchildren. She is retired from 22 years of teaching 3rd grade and has written curriculum and several books on parent-child communication, and spoken to parent groups. Elaine and her husband live in Prescott Valley, Arizona where they host a Monday night Bible study.
Glenise Hardy
Glenise lives in Melbourne, Australia. She enjoys sewing clothes for babies and encouraging teenagers in their journey of life.
Jack Harris
Jack Harris has retired from his responsibilities as vice president in the North Pacific Union. lie is a minister who will never really retire however, because he is currently serving as a hospital and retirement center chaplain. Jack is the proud grandfather of two exceptionally intelligent grandchildren!
Jeanne Hartwell
Jeanne Hartwell is the associate ministerial director for the Pennsylvania Conference, where she has worked for the past 17 years. She and her husband pastored for 15 years prior to coming to Pennsylvania. They have two grown children and a Westie dog named Nessie.
Ray and Jeanne Hartwell
Ray and Jeanne Hartwell serve in the Pennsylvania Conference where he is the Secretary and Ministerial Secretary. Jeanne is an associate in the Ministerial Association and Family Ministries Director. Their hobbies include hiking, canoeing, reading, tropical fish and working together. Ray and Jeanne have a son, Joshua, and a daughter, Abby.
Stacy Harvey
Stacy Harvey is a nurse educator at the University of the West Indies, Western Jamaica Campus. She is married to Pastor Christopher Harvey from the Lucea district of churches in the West Jamaica Conference. Their union of 11 years has produced two young children, Jonathan and Kristashay. She enjoys writing and quiet moments with God.
Faith Hawarari
Faith Hawarari and her husband live in Zimbabwe, Africa. She works as a private secretary at a private company.
Sandy Hawkins
Sandy Hawkins teaches at Brighton Adventist Junior Academy in the Rocky Mountain Conference. Her husband, Jim, is one of the pastors at the Denver First Church. Their children are Karen, Andrea, and John.
Renee Hawkley
Renee is the librarian at a middle school in Boise, Her daughter, Janette is their last child at home, and "it's very different being a family of three around the dinner table." Renee was selected to represent Idaho as the Idaho Mother of the Year in 2000. More recently the has been serving on the national board of AMI as Education/Literacy Chairman.
Petra Heibutzki
Petra is a pastor's wife living in Delmold, Germany. She has two children ages 12 and 10. She says, "I have been a pastor's wife for 15 years. I love music, needlework, reading, and taking care of the Pathfinders in our district."
Margit S. Heppenstall
Margit S. Heppenstall has authored four books for children and has a poetic gift, having written many devotional poems. Her hobbies include reading, writing, travel, needlepoint, and her 23 marvelous grand children. Margit is confined to a wheelchair now but is devoted in faith and an inspiration to all who know her.
Alexandra Hichez-Alvir
Alexandra Hichez-Alvir, from the Dominican Republic, is the wife of a pastor who serves the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Canada. They have two lovely little children and are currently living in Berrien Springs, Michigan, where her husband is working on his master’s degree in divinity at the seminary.
Patti Higgs
Patti Higgs is married to Pastor Jerry Higgs. They live in Tennessee.
Jeanne Hill
Jeanne and her husband have 3 children and celebrated their 50th anniversary in June, She has written articles for a variety of magazines and speaks for many groups. Jeanne has been serving as contributing editor for Guideposts since 1997. This article appeared in the Signs of the Times December 1984.
Aletha Hinthorn
Aletha Hinthorn is a physician's wife and mother of two married children. She is the editor of Women Alive! magazine and the author of a series of Bible Studies: The Satisfied Heart Topical Bible Study Series. Aletha enjoys speaking at women's conferences and retreats along with traveling and cooking. Women Alive, March/April 1993
Nancy Hoag
Award-Winning author, Nancy Hoag, is a former teacher turned prolific writer. She has published three books, more than 850 articles, devotions and columns, and has seen several of her stories in anthologies. Nancy's fourth book, the Fingerprints of God will be available in bookstores July 1, 2002. A wife, mother, and grandmother, Nancy and her husband have recently retired to Bozeman, Montana.
Roxy Hoehn
Having spent her life in a parsonage, Roxy Hoehn has a passion for pastors’ wives. She has recently retired as Women’s Ministries Director and Shepherdess sponsor for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference, and in that capacity started the M&M retreat for Mates in Ministry. In retirement she is torn between wanting to travel, spend time with her 11 grandchildren, and staying home to take care of the yard and be a good neighbor
Ani Holdsworth
Ani Holdsworth is a freelance graphic designer in Lincoln, Nebraska, where she lives with her husband, Dr. Benjamin Holdsworth, program director of the religion department at Union College.
Gary L. Hopkins
Gary L. Hopkins, MD, D.Ph., is a research professor in the Department of Behavioral Science at Andrews University and the associate director of the Department of Health Ministries, General Conference of Seventh day Adventists.
Jacqueline Hope Hoshing-Clarke
Jackie has been an educator since 1979 and has served in the field of education as principal, assistant principal, and teacher. She currently serves the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) — Jamaica as coordinator for the pre-college department. She is married to Pastor Bylton Clarke, and they have two children, Deidre and Deneil, who are both students at NCU. Jackie enjoys writing, teaching the children' Sabbath School, flower gardening, and housekeeping. Best of all, she is in love with Jesus and looks forward with joy to His soon return.
Orel Hosken
Orel Hosken. Orel and her husband ministered in Australia and New Zealand and are now retired in Australia.
Paul Hucke
Paul Hucke
Barbara Huff
Barbara Huff is enjoying a busy retirement in Florida where she lives near two of her three grandchildren. She loves writing and photography. She also enjoys creating albums from her own photographs. Bird watching and reading are high on her list of leisure time activities. Living in Florida makes her hobby of shell collecting a natural
Rodney J. Hugen
Rodney J. Hugen is a part-time writer, part-time bookkeeper and full-time husband and father living in Phoenix, Arizona.
Genie Huskins
Genie is a pastor's wife and PK who currently lives in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.