Brenda Waggonner
Brenda is married to Frank and has two grown sons and a stepson. She is a licensed counselor practicing in Greenville, Texas who enjoys music, and just being real.
Hanan Wahbah
Hanan has a college degree in agriculture. She is married to Pastor Owaihad Wahbah who pastors churches located in Manya, Oshrube, and Maghagha in Egypt.
Daniel Wahlen
Daniel Wahlen enjoys playing the guitar, traveling, writing, and making films. Last summer he worked as an intern at the Hope Channel, the official Seventh-day Adventist television station. Some of his favorite places include Singapore, Indonesia, Egypt, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Gina Wahlen
Gina Wahlen enjoys meeting people from around the world and has lived in many wonderful places, such as Russia, England, the Philippines, California, and Nebraska. She currently lives in Maryland, where she writes about people, adventures, and God. She and her husband, Clinton, have been married for nearly 26 years and have one son, Daniel, 19, and one daughter, Heather, 13.
Beauty N. Wakaba
Beauty N. Wakaba is Shepherdess Coordinator far the Southern Africa Union Conference.
Nadia Watson
Nadia Watson has been married to a minister for almost 39 years. She and her husband have shared their faith in many different capacities. She has worked as a teacher in both elementary and secondary schools in Egypt for 27 years. Nadia enjoys reading, writing, and cooking. The Watsons have four children and four grandchildren, all who are residing in California. Although she is retired, she enjoys sharing her faith with others to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Neima Watson
Neima Watson has been married to a minister for almost 39 years. She and her husband have shared their faith in many different capacities. She has worked as a teacher in both elementary and secondary schools in Egypt for 27 years. Neima enjoys reading, writing, and cooking. The Watsons have four children and four grandchildren, who are residing in California. Although she is retired, she enjoys sharing her faith with others to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dorothy Watts
Dorothy Watts
Susanna Wesley
Susanna Wesley
Ellen G. White
Ellen G. white
Jan White
Jan White is the Director for Family and Women's Ministries as well as Communication Correspondent for the Washington Conference. She is also Assistant to the Pastor at the North Cascade Seventh-day Adventist Church. In her spare time she is the Women's Ministries Leader for the North Pacific Union, a wife, and mother of two.
Donna Wiley
Donna Willey (, has co-lay-pastored with her husband for 17 years. This article is adapted from her new book, Empty: From Despair to Deliverance, which will be available in December 2013.
Patrice Williams-Gordon
Patrice Williams-Gordon has been married to Danhugh Gordon for 22 years and absolutely enjoys sharing in his ministry. Together with their two teenage girls, they have served in Jamaica and the Bahamas. Additionally, through Hope TV, freelance writing, and extensive speaking at retreats and seminars, Patrice has been able to influence the world for Christ. She enjoys speaking, reading, travelling, and laughing.
Gladlyn Williams
Gladlyn Williams
Hyveth Williams
Dr. Hyveth Williams is senior pastor of The Grace Place. She is a world-renowned preacher, minister, professor, and leader. She has written three books: Anticipation, Will I Ever Learn? and Secrets of a Happy Heart. Her greatest passion has always been reaching people. This is evident in the love and commitment she shows to her students and the wider community. It is also this passion that motivated her to team up with Pastor Heber Aviles to form The Grace Place
Carolyn Willis
Carolyn Willis lives in Courtrice, Ontario and is editor of the Canadian Adventist Messenger.
Nancy Wilson
Nancy Wilson grew up in the country and has always loved God´s second book of nature. She and Ted have three daughters, three sons whom their daughters brought into the family, and as of this October, ten marvelous grandchildren!
Kay Winter
Kay Winter
Mary Wong
An ordained minister's wife since 1981, Mary Wong has served in various educational institutions in the Asia-Pacific region as an English teacher and chair of the English Department before she was most recently director of Children's, Family, and Women's Ministries in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division. As a teacher and a pastor's wife, she has led a very fulfilling life in ministering to the members of the church, both young and old. Mary and her husband recently moved to San Jose, California where they will be working in ministry. They have a daughter LeAnn, who recently graduated from Andrews University
Angela Wood
The role of the pastoral spouse.
Maree Worker
Maree Worker and her husband, Michael, have two girls, Brianna and Madison. They enjoy the challenge and blessings of ministry. Maree is heavily involved in her local congregation in Australia as music director and personal ministries leader. Her interests are music, singing, teaching, reading, writing, public speaking and friendship.
Norman Wright
H. Norman Wright