Annie Machamire
Annie Machamire writes from the Zambesi Union where she works in the Accounts' Department. She and her pastor-husband have one daughter, Joy, and two sons, Kudzai and Tatenda. Her hobbies are cooking, sewing, and traveling,
Noemi O. Mactiag
Noemi O. Mactiag is a pastor's wife in the Philippines.
Sharda Mahapure
Sharda is the wife of the outgoing president of Northern India Union. Her husband was the former president of Central India Union. Sharda is a teacher and worked for 38 years in Adventist schools. She was the principal of two high schools in the Central India Union. She is also the former director of the Women, Family and Children's Ministries in the Northern India Union,
Eliada Maiga
Eliada Maiga is the Shepherdess Coordinator in the South Nyanza Conference in Mwanza, Tanzania. She is married to Pastor Isaac Maigo, Ministerial Secretary of the South Nyanza Conference, Mwanza.
Ellen Malau
Ellen Malau and her husband, Urbano, are at AIIAS in Indonesia. They have two children, Zephaniah and Zaneta.
Rick Malm
Rick Malm is a Christ-following husband, father of three, and grandfather. He has served as a pastor and a missionary and also brings his experience as a high school principal to his parenting blog, No Perfect Parents (
Ann Maloney-Halim
This article appeared in The Heart of the Home, Volume 9, Number 2,1994.
Virginia Manthey
Virginia Manthey, Dunmore, Pennsylvania
Savie Maphosa
Savie Maphosa is an accountant at Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, and her husband, Pastor Solomon Maphosa, is the executive secretary for the division. They have two daughters, one son, and two grandchildren.
Elesa March-Archer
Elesa Marsh-Archer writes from Jamaica, where she is an attorneyat-law and Shepherdess sponsor for the North Jamaica Conference. Her husband, Karl, is the president of their conference. She enjoys singing, reading, and counseling.
Patty Marsh
Patty Mostert Marsh currently serves as Registrar at Upper Columbia Academy where husband, Larry, is principal. Patty, a mother of two delightful daughters in their twenties, Denna and Laura, keeps busy with a few special interests including music, hiking, camping, birding and digging in God's Word.
Andrea Martin
Andrea Martin is the pen name of a freelance writer from Chicago, Illinois.
Holly R. Martin
Holly R. Martin is a journalism student from Chattanooga, Tennessee. She writes a standing column for singles in The Joyful Woman magazine. Her hobbies include reading, tennis, and composing and performing music. Reprinted from The joyful Woman, January/February 1995 issue, copyright 1995 Holly R. Martin.
Joy Rice Martin
Joy Rice Martin is editor of Joyful Woman. This article was adapted from the March/April 2012 issue of Joyful Woman.
Sara Hines Martin
Sara Hines Martin is author of the books Healing for Adult Children of Alcoholics (Broadtnan Press, 1988; Bantam Paperback, 1989); Shame on You! Helping Adults from Alcoholic and Other Shame-Based Families (Broadman Press, 1990); and Meeting Needs Through Support Groups (New Hope Press, Birmingham, AL, 1992).
Waveney Martinborough
Waveney Martinborough is an educator by profession having taught at all levels. Her last assignment was acting Chairperson of the Faculty of Education at Caribbean Union College. Previously, she served as Shepherdess Coordinator and Women's Ministries Director for the Caribbean Union. Now she is the Director of Women's Ministries for the Inter-American Division. Her hobbies are reading, gardening, sports, and working with the computer.
Welker, Mary
This article appeared in Helpmate, a Newsletter for Ministry Wives of the Upper Columbia Conference.
Maeve Maurer
Maeve Maurer is the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Euro-Africa Division in Switzerland, She enjoys horseback riding and hiking. Maeve and her husband, Gabriel, have two daughters.
Ben & Mary Maxson
Ben and Mary Maxson work at the General Conference. He is the director of the Stewardship Department, and she is the editorial secretary for the Adventist Review. Ben enjoys golfing and computer. Mary likes crafts, cooking, and music. They are both avid readers.
Mary Maxson
Mary Maxson is director for Women's Ministries in North America. She was a volunteer chaplain at a Maryland hospital. She enjoys snorkeling as her hobby but time with her grandson is priority.
Randy Maxwell
Randy Maxwell is the pastor of the Kuna Seventh-day Adventist Church in Kuna, Idaho. Prior to this he served as the Creative Director for advertising at Pacific Press Publishing Association in Nampa, Idaho. Randy is an author, speaker, and the founder of IF MY PEOPLE PRAY MINISTRIES, through which he conducts prayer and revival seminars across North America and internationally. Randy’s six books include If My People Pray, Bring Back the Glory, On Eagles’ Wings, and 5 Steps to Christlike Living. Randy and his wife, Suzette, live in Nampa, Idaho, and have three adult children and one son-in-law.
Maureen Mbdzi
Maureen Mbdzi is from Zambia. She and her South-African husband have three children. They are based in the Mafikeng District in the TransOrange Conference of the Southern Union. Maureen is a lecturer at a college offering commercial subjects. She is also working on her MBA degree. She enjoys people, reading, traveling, sight-seeing, and listening to music.
Duane Mcbride
Duane McBride, Ph.D., is a professor and Chair of the Department of Behavioral Science and executive director of the Institute for Prevention of Addictions at Andrews University.
Judith McCoy
Judith McCoy lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where her husband is the president of the South Central Conference.
Tammy McDonald
Tammy McDonald. Tammy and her dear husband James have two beautiful daughters, Kenzie and Kendra. Tammy has a huge desire to help hurting women—not coddle them, but to help shift their vision to see God’s plan and hand in everything from the turmoils of daily life to the most devastating circumstances we might have to endure. For years she read the Scripture that states, “Older women, be an example and train the younger women on how to be godly wives and mothers.” She kept asking God, “Where are these women?” So she decided to become one. We all need to step up and become that for the younger women in our lives!
Olwen I McIntyre
Olwen I. McIntyre graduated from Newbold College as a teacher and Bible worker. She has worked in the Camp Hill and Birmingham churches in England, Her husband, John, is an elder of the Camp Hill Church. She has two sons: John and Graham. She expects to become a grandmother in June. Her greatest love is the ministerial work, children's ministries and pastoral work. Editor's Note; Cyril has gone to sleep in Jesus since Olwen wrote this article. We all look forward to the day Jesus personally calls him to everlasting life, without the sadness of this world.
Carol McKean
Carol McKean is employed by the Trans-Tasman Union Conference, (based in Sydney, Australia) as Children's Ministries Director. She has two boys Cameron,12, and Lachlan, 9. This article appeared in the South Pacific Division Recorder, February 13,1993. Used with permission.
Gail McKenzie
Gail McKenzie serves as women’s ministries director and prayer coordinator for the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, a position she has held for more than 15 years. She lives in Madison, Tennessee, with her pastorhusband, Mike, and special needs son, Stephen. She currently teaches a Sabbath school class, has taught “How to Study the Bible” seminars, and has spoken for various women’s retreats. She says that her salutation is always “At His feet,” because “there is no other place I would rather be!"
Laura McKenzie
Laura McKenzie, a pastor's wife at Harbor Christian Fellowship in Costa Mesa, California, loves to read, write and walk on the beach with her family.
Marvin McKenzie
Marvin is a pastor in Astoria, Oregon
Ruth Esther McKinney
Ruth Esther McKinney is the Coordinator of the Office Administration Department and an assistant professor at West Indies College, Mandeville, Jamaica, West Indies. Her husband, Silas N. McKinney, is the president of the West Indies Union Conference. They have three grown children—two girls and a boy. Also, they have been blessed with four grandchildren—three boys and a girl. Ruth likes to write poetry, do gardening, play Scrabble, and listen to good music. She has been privileged to have a number of articles published locally, and she has had to fill various speaking appointments recently. She gives God all the glory for anything she has been able to accomplish.
Jim and Betty McMurry
Jim and Betty McMurry pastor in Sonora, California, Published in The Union Democrat.
Delina Pryce McPhaull
Delina Pryce McPhaull
Jeannie Melashenko
Jeannie Melashenko works closely in ministry services with her husband, Lonnie, the director-speaker for the Voice of Prophecy in Newbury Park, California. Her interests are people, reading, her rose garden, and water and snow skiing. As a romantic, she enjoys establishing special little traditions in her home. But foremost in her life is that quiet hour first thing in the morning shared with her Very Best Friend.—Via Shepherdess International
Darlyn Mello
This article appeared in Royal News, January-March 1992, Northern New England Conference. Used with permission. —Via Shepherdess International
Cindy Mercer
Cindy Mercer is the Prayer and Women’s Ministries director for the Carolina Conference, works part-time as a registered nurse, and serves beside her husband, Rick, in ministry. Cindy and Rick have four sons, one grandson, and one granddaughter.
Dave Meurer
Dave Meurer still wears his melted lion slippers in Redding, California. Besides being a writer, Dave is also a dedicated husband and the father of two boys, and it's from these experiences—and some of the humorous situations that arise—that Dave mines the comic gold of Stark Raving Dad, Boyhood Daze, Daze of Our Wives, and Out on a Whim. See his website for more information:
Alice Meynell
Alice Meynell, 1850
Jualoma Miles
Jualoma Miles
Marlene Miller
Marlene Miller is a mom de plume. Marlene is a minster's wife and is committed to a ministry for Adventist parents who pray for absent children.
Patti Mitchell
Patti is Doris Sorensen’s daughter. She is a retired pastor’s wife living in California, where she enjoys spending time with her husband, Chuck, their children, and precious grandchildren.
Joyce C. Mndambi
Joyce C. Mndambi has a diploma in Secretarial Science. She and her husband pastor in Handeni, Tanzania. She works as a personal secretary in the Management of the GTZ Project known as "Handeni Integrated Agfroforestry Project." Her hobbies are doing missionary work in unentered areas; playing the piano and guitar, singing, ' smiling, knitting, making friends, and daitti) charity work.
Joyce Moore
Joyce Moore' husband, Bob, pastors the Everson, Ferndale, and Lummi Districts.
Jenkins Moorer
Jenkins Moorer
Jill Morikone
Jill Morikone is administrative assistant to the president of 3ABN, a supporting Adventist television network. She and her husband, Greg, live in southern Illinois and enjoy ministering together for Jesus.
Derek Morris
Derek Morris, DMin, author and teacher, currently serves as editor of Ministry, an international journal for pastors and as an associate secretary of the General Conference Ministerial Association. His greatest joy is found in helping people to experience a life-changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Derek and his wife, Bodil Chen Morris, enjoy writing Scripture songs together and have two grown sons.
Boingotlo Mothaapula
Boingotlo Mothaapula is a nurse living in South Africa. She has a daughter and enjoys reading, gardening and caring for the elderly.
Judith Mulanga
Judith is a secretary. Her hobbies include singing, reading and gardening. She also enjoys taking walks and viewing God's beautiful nature.
Procena Mundu
Procena Mundu and her pastor-husband have worked in the Fiji Islands and India, and have three daughters. Even though they are retired, they still enjoy doing the Lord's work. Procena enjoys music, gardening, and cooking.
Ruth May Rittenhouse Murdoch
Ruth May Rittenhouse Murdoch, whose career as an educator, developmental psychologist, clinician, and public speaker left an indelible mark on Adventist education, died August 29, 1996, in Loma Linda, California. She was regarded as one of the leading educators of her time. A popular public speaker, she traveled to churches and colleges across North America and across the world speaking on children's issues and character development
Olga Murga
Olga Murga has three children and two grandchildren. She lives in the Ukraine. She is a evangelist as well as a pastor's wife. Her husband serves as Secretary of the Ukraine Union.
Angeline Musvovsi
Angeline Musvosvi is the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Eastern Africa Division; a nutritionist with the Ministry of Health in Zimbabwe; wife of Joel Musvosvi, the Division Ministerial Secretary; and mother of three children. She enjoys gardening, sewing and reading.
Judith Mutanga
Judith Mutanga is currently serving as a secretary at the Nyahuni Adventist Secondary School in Murehwa (Zimbabwe, Africa). Her husband, Douglas, and she were married on August 2,1992. They have a three-year old daughter, Tafadzwal Samantha. Judith's hobbies are gardening, singing, taking nature walks, reading and visiting. She and her husband have worked in the district for a year. Judith plans to be a full-time worker in God's ministry.
Sylvia Muvuti
Sylvia lives in Zimbabwe, Africa and has worked as a school teacher for 10 years. She and her district pastor husband have three children: Faith, 9 years; Tina, 7 years; and Delight, 2 years. Sylvia enjoys music and spending time with her family.
Atonte Myers
Atonte Myers lives in San Luis Obispo, CA, with her husband and four children. She is vice president of Power of the Lamb Ministries. She enjoys working with her husband in ministry. She and her husband host “Battles of Faith” on 3ABN. Atonte loves spending time with her family and friends.